BBQ Thank You Thread


Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
I think everyone that attended would agree this was yet again a fabulous event. The brats were delicious, desserts were amazing, and everything else brought it together really well. Despite the weather, it was still very enjoyable, and a huge success IMO

Huge thanks to Chris and Tara for all the hard work and time they spent in getting this shindig organized :bow:

Looking forward to next year! Maybe next year our jeep will be a little less stock :ugh: :greg:

I wasn't able to get speak to very many, but I was manning the 2nd BBQ, and my wife (Kami, JPNGRL44) was taking the money.
I would like to give HUGE thanks to Ben, Kami, and Jenn for all their help. Without them, it would've taken a lot longer to get everyone fed. A super big thanks to Jeremy as well, we really appreciate the use of your grill and have a lead on a nice engine for you.

Also, thanks to everyone for coming and your patience, especially the people who were early or right on time. I probably should've mentioned that I struggle with being on time, especially when I'm rock crawling. :eek:

We already have some fun plans in the works for next year so please put it on your calendars. To date, every year we double our attendance so I'm hoping for 150 for 2010! :tara:
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I have a question for everyone who was there this year:

Do you have any suggestions or comments on what you'd like to see at future BBQ's? I'm by no means an expert party planner/caterer so if anyone has any thoughts I would love to hear them! :)


I luv Pritchett
I have a question for everyone who was there this year:

Do you have any suggestions or comments on what you'd like to see at future BBQ's? I'm by no means an expert party planner/caterer so if anyone has any thoughts I would love to hear them! :)

This probably sounds corny, but how about name tags for people with both their first name and RME user name? I for one don't know all that many RME'ers, and it would be great to be able to put a face with a name.


I run a tight ship... wreck
This probably sounds corny, but how about name tags for people with both their first name and RME user name? I for one don't know all that many RME'ers, and it would be great to be able to put a face with a name.

That is a great idea... I 2nd that. Corny indeed, but I didn't recognize over half the people there... :ugh:


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
Anything you could do about the weather would be a blessing (that no wiper thing again).. :rofl:

Name tags might be a good idea. There was a time when I knew most of the people here, but it's gotten so big I know hardly anyone now. Well that, and I aint gettin any younger so the memory's about shot.

Just for giggles, I wonder what the cost would be if we just hooked up somewhere like Bar M, or some other place that could handle a large group, and save you all the hassles?

By the way, we all had a great time, THANK YOU!

I have a question for everyone who was there this year:

Do you have any suggestions or comments on what you'd like to see at future BBQ's? I'm by no means an expert party planner/caterer so if anyone has any thoughts I would love to hear them! :)
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CJ Matt

Registered User
Thanks again for everyone that worked hard on putting the BBQ together.

Another vote for name tags.


I'm addicted
Herriman, UT
Were you one of the people talking to Tanner over in the parking lot? Sorry if it was, I didn't recognize you. :cool:

Yeah that was Tyler Harper (00harpdawg) and I. No worries though, I honestly wasn't sure if that was you at first either. I was just chattin' to Tanner about his 9" since that's what I'm building up right now too.

I'm already excited for next years BBQ! Thanks again Chris, Tara, Ben, Kami and Jenn!


Registered User
Draper, ut
the food was just what i needed after a long day of jeeping thanks to everyone that help and thanks to tara, chris, ben, kami, and jenn. and i agree on the name tag part i think i only saw like three people that i could actually put a name to. oh and bring some more single girls for us single losers ha ha