Bella, The Darjeeling limited, Sweeny Todd


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Bella- Indie film won alot of awards in 2007. It's simple but a wonderful story. Some pretty intense scenes, the message it delivers will have you thinking for days.

The Darjeeling Limited- Directed by Wes Anderson, starts Owen Wilson, Adrian Brody, Jason Swartzman and Anjelica Houston. I loved it but you have to appriciate the humor that is portrayed in Wes Anderson film (Royal Tennenbaums, The Life aquatic etc.) Worth seeing. There is a mini film included that's pretty good as well called "The Hotel Chavlair".

Sweeny Todd- I know it's a musical but it was pretty cool. Johnny Depp can sure be creepy. I think the best acting came from Sasha Baron Cohen though he is a pretty good actor. It's bloody, it's creepy and it's kinda funny.
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We watched The Darjeeling Limited last night... definitely Royal Tennenbaum type humor. We like it... a lot of "wtf" moments with laughs.