Bending Shifter


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
I just got the SM420 installed, and I need to bend the shifter to

1. clear the dash.
2. Wehn in reverse it is almost clear over to my crotch.

My questin is what is the best way to bend this. I need to make it so that when it is in reverse it is over towards passenger side about 6" from where it is now


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
1. heat shifter with torch

2. bend to desired shape

3. repeat if necessary/more bends needed.

I've bent up a couple, that seems to work well. I used a couple wrenches and some small pieces of pipe (on the wrenches).
Using this method, 6x6 trannies can be made to fit M715 cabs. :)


Active Member
get bent

i did this to my tj, i put mine in the vise and just moved it a little.

remember that like a small 1/4 inch bend at the base equals a whole lot more at the threaded end.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Tacoma said:
1. heat shifter with torch

2. bend to desired shape

3. repeat if necessary/more bends needed.
same way I do it.

just do it with it in the Jeep, be careful and have someone there to hold the torch while you bend, just makes it easier.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
a vice would be handy I suppose, but there's all that installation and removal, installation and removal. I always did it IN the truck. My 465 shifter was too close to the seat for my liking.