BLM Factory Butte Response Letter


Registered User
Take a look at the BLM response letter to SUWA's request for an emergency closure of the Factory Butte area to ORV use. The BLM pretty much slaps them down on everything except protecting a couple of endangered cactus in some "isolated areas". This goes to show the "tactics" of groups like SUWA and the Sierra Club in their quest to remove ORVs and Mountain Bikes from public lands. They use exaggerated claims and bad science to try and get what they want. A pretty unethical bunch if you ask me.


Registered User
The SL Tribune will always have the SUWA spin. The "Environmental" reporter (Joe Baird) is very SUWA friendly and will always show them in a favorable light.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
UtahFire said:
The SL Tribune will always have the SUWA spin. The "Environmental" reporter (Joe Baird) is very SUWA friendly and will always show them in a favorable light.

Who from the tribune writes somewhat unbiased?


Registered User
mbryson said:
Who from the tribune writes somewhat unbiased?

Good point. It is unfortunate that so many just take reporting at "face value".

One problem the motorized off-road community faces politically is that most people (especially folks in the Eastern part of the US) don't recreate much in the backcountry. For many of these people, public land use policies are simply “feel-good” issues which have no real impact on their lives. You also have the Neo-Westerners (many of my neighbors fall in to this category) who have recently moved to the West and view public lands as something you put in a glass box and admire from a distance.

Most of the "real" outdoor enthusiasts I know believe there can be some balance between protection and multiple-use on public lands. Most of these people access the back country in a variety of ways (hiking, mountain bikes, 4x4, OHV, snowmobile, etc.).