BLM Resource Advisory Council


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
Utah residents interested in the management and conservation of public lands have an opportunity to become directly involved through participation on the Utah Bureau of Land Management's Resource Advisory Council.
Council members provide advice and recommendations to the BLM concerning the use and management of 22 million acres of public land in Utah.
Nominations are now being accepted for a vacated position on the advisory council. Nominations must be made by Dec. 27. The council consists of 15 members.
Nomination forms are available on the Web at: Call 801-539-4195 for more information.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
I might be a little out of line, as ususal, but what does this mean?

I guess I am wondering what they expect, etc. Is it a volunteer situation? Is it paid? How do we get someone who is pro-access on that board? Do we all need to nominate the same person?

Just a couple of vague questions...

ps I had just a min to look at the site but I couldn't find anything specific...

anyone, anyone...


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
Your guess is as good as mine. I just found it in the Deseret News. Hopefully someone here can provide some insight. I figured it would be good if someone from the rockcrawling community could get on that.