Blue Ribbon Coalition--Alert


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Supporting Member
The Blue Ribbon Coalition!!!

Dear Access Advocates,

I've pasted BRC's latest Action Alert below this message. Naturally, I
hope each of you will take action (especially on Step 2) but I want to
tell you why it's important that you do.

The three Wilderness bills mentioned in BRC's alert have key issues in
common other than the designation of Wilderness. Interestingly, there is
consensus that some of lands in each bill actually meet the definition
of the 1964 Wilderness Act. Unfortunately, each bill also goes far
beyond those lands, and includes lands with roads, bridges, trails,
developed campsites etc. Finally, each bill has been the subject of an
intense effort to negotiate with the bill's sponsor to try to find some
kind of middle ground.

One would think, if there was wide consensus on acreage that met the
definition of Wilderness, compromise could be reached. But alas, no.
Compromise is impossible because such a compromise would be immediately
shot dead by the "environmental lobby" in Washington D.C.

A brick wall? Insurmountable obstacle? I do not believe it is. Rather,
I'm convinced this situation presents an opportunity for success. In all
my years of access advocacy, I have never seen a better opportunity for
grassroots political action by recreationists to make a difference.

Events have conspired to give recreationists an opportunity to leverage
our increasing numbers and 'weigh in' in support of House Committee
Chairman Richard Pombo's efforts to ensure new Wilderness truly meets
the criteria set forth in the 1964 Wilderness Act. Key Committee Staff
met with BRC and indicated that comments in support of recreational
access would be particularly effective at this time.

Chairman Pombo and many members of the Committee staff recently visited
some of the lands at issue. The roads, bridges trails and campsites that
will be closed are fresh in their minds. So are the faces of the people
who will be locked out if Wilderness is designated.

Chairman Richard Pombo cannot stop a bad Wilderness bill single
handedly. We need to show his colleagues on the House Resource Committee
that vast numbers oppose any legislation that eliminates public access
to public lands.

That's why I'm personally asking for your assistance. Please respond to
our 3-Step Action Plan and forward BRC's alert to your members and

As I mentioned in the alert, your calls and emails may be the first
drops of rain in a mighty flood.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to give me a ring.
Thanks in advance for your efforts,
Brian Hawthorne
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 102

PS: Just a bit of info about each bill:
* H.R. 233 -- Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act
(California) -- This bill would designate 300,000 acres of BLM and FS
lands in CA Wilderness. The lands contain over 300 miles of roads and
trails, including prized OHV and mountain bike trails. The bill will
also close popular and scenic campsites.

* H.R. 851 -- "Wild Sky" Wilderness Bill (Washington State) -- World
class snowmobiling opportunities would be closed. For more info see the
excellent website of the Snowmobile Alliance of Western States (SAWS) Hint: bookmark this site!!

* H.R. 2514 "Boulder White Clouds" Wilderness Bill (Idaho) -- This bill
closes some of the best snowmobiling in Idaho, and that's saying
something. Mountain bikers also take a big hit, loosing over 120 miles
of expert level single track. Incredibly, most of the acreage is
already "protected" by a National Recreation Area designation!! In case
you aren't aware, commercial logging and mining is already banned and
all recreational use is intensively managed in the NRA. There is no need
for this legislation!!!


Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,

As you know, BRC does not send you Action Alerts unless your response
will have a good possibility of making an impact. That's because we
really appreciate your involvement and we don't want to waste your time.

Friends, this is a very important alert. Please take a few moments to
read the information below. I'm confident you will agree that this alert
is an opportunity to really make a difference.

Thank you in advance,

Brian Hawthorne

Public Lands Director

BlueRibbon Coalition


Three important Wilderness bills are awaiting action in Congress. You
need to act NOW to show the members of the House Resources Committee
that the recreating public does not support these bills.

* Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act - Sponsored
by Rep. Mike Thompson (H.R. 233)

*"Wild Sky" Wilderness Bill - Sponsored by Rep. Rep. Rick Larsen (H.R.

*"Boulder White Clouds" Wilderness Bill (a.k.a "Central Idaho Economic
Development and Recreation Act" (CIEDRA) - Sponsored by Rep. Mike
Simpson (H.R. 2514)


Each of these bills is likely to see action in Congress in the coming
months. Recently, Resource Committee staff and Chairman Richard Pombo
visited areas some of the areas proposed for Wilderness in these bills.

While in our area, key committee staff met with representatives of BRC
and indicated the sponsors of all three bills appear unwilling to amend
the legislation to address concerns of recreationists at this time.

Now is the time to let members of the House Resource Committee know how
many recreationists oppose these bills.


We have developed a "3-Step Action Plan" in order to maximize your time
and effort in this important issue. If that's all you need to know,
scroll down to "BRC's 3-Step Action Plan" below and follow the simple


I want to stress how important it is to act NOW. There are three primary
reasons why:

1. Despite our best efforts, legislation whose primary effect is to
reduce access continues to be introduced in Congress. Each of these
Wilderness bills has one thing in common: there is no need. No eminent
threat exists to these lands. Unless recreationists, both motorized and
non-motorized, speak up now -- this sad situation will continue.

2. The opportunity is golden! To Chairman Pombo's great credit,
members of his Committee aren't making these decisions from behind some
desk in Washington D.C. Chairman Pombo, as well as key Committee staff
members recently visited the lands at issue. They talked to both
supporters and those in opposition. The issues are fresh in their minds
and I doubt we'll ever have a better chance to show just how unpopular
these bills are.

3. Local input has been exhausted. We have never seen a more concerted
effort to attempt to negotiate and reach some middle ground. Sadly, all
efforts to compromise utterly failed.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Recreationists worked every angle, used every tool, and
pulled every string to try to wrangle some sort of compromise here. The
sad fact is that the "professional environmental lobby" in Washington
D.C. is trumping all common sense and reason.

The only way to counter this is if recreationists take action today. A
priceless treasure is at risk, and if we allow them to take our prized
public lands now, I fear that none will be safe in the future.

As I motioned above, BRC is very appreciative of our members' time and
efforts. We don't issue these kinds of alerts often, and will not issue
them unless we believe our members have a chance to influence the issue.

Please take a minute to act on this alert. Even if you live far away
from these lands, understand that these are public lands and all
American's have a say in how they are to be managed. Also know that now
is the critical time for you to really make a difference. Your action on
this alert may end up being like the first drops of rain in a mighty


Step 1: Email the House Resources Committee

No excuses here! We've made it super simple with our Rapid Response
Center. Simply click the link below and follow the directions. Be sure
to email this to your friends and family so they can help!

Click here, and follow the directions.

Step 2: Call your Congressman

No excuses here either! Using BRC's Rapid Response Center, calling your
Congressional Representative is INSANELY EASY!

Simply click here: and enter your Zip
Code and dial the numbers!

Important tips:

* Tell the staff member your name and that you are a voting

* Tell the staff member that you oppose H.R. 233 the "Northern
California Wilderness bill," H.R. 851, the "Wild Sky Wilderness bill"
and H.R. 2514 the "Boulder White Clouds Wilderness bill." Be sure to
urge your representative to oppose these bills.

* Tell the staff member that you view and enjoy public lands with
vehicles and you do not support any legislation that eliminates your
access to America's public lands!

* Mention your membership and support of The BlueRibbon Coalition.

Remember: Be polite and keep your message clear and concise. Clarity
and reason are more persuasive than excessive emotionalism.

Step 3: Forward this alert to your friends and family!

Be sure to mention that BRC doesn't issue these kinds of alerts in the
"willy nilly" fashion, and if they take a few short minutes it really
could make a difference.

***** END ALERT ***** END ALERT ***** END ALERT ***** END ALERT *****


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Executive Summary ACTION version.....

Simply click here: and enter your Zip
Code and dial the numbers!

Important tips:

* Tell the staff member your name and that you are a voting

* Tell the staff member that you oppose H.R. 233 the "Northern
California Wilderness bill," H.R. 851, the "Wild Sky Wilderness bill"
and H.R. 2514 the "Boulder White Clouds Wilderness bill." Be sure to
urge your representative to oppose these bills.

* Tell the staff member that you view and enjoy public lands with
vehicles and you do not support any legislation that eliminates your
access to America's public lands!

* Mention your membership and support of The BlueRibbon Coalition.

Remember: Be polite and keep your message clear and concise. Clarity
and reason are more persuasive than excessive emotionalism.

Step 3: Forward this alert to your friends and family!

Be sure to mention that BRC doesn't issue these kinds of alerts in the
"willy nilly" fashion, and if they take a few short minutes it really
could make a difference.