Boulder Alley in Moab? Any info?


grocery getter driver
So. Jordan
I've been on it, but I don't know about the legality of it. It's just south of Kens Lake area, I think I marked it in my gps.


Sandy, Ut
WayneXJ said:
I've been on it, but I don't know about the legality of it. It's just south of Kens Lake area, I think I marked it in my gps.

Could you email me the GPS points? There is a 4x4 club investigating its legality (they think it looks like a fun trail, I agree). Any help would be appreciated...

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
I've never heard of this trail before. But I'm going to ask around some.

Based on the comments in the NAXJA forum thread I think this is an illegal trail. They are talking about busting through dead brush or trees, using chainsaws to open other trails, the trail being brand new, and I see what appears to be cryptobiotic soil in between the tire tracks in some of the photos. It appears to be in the area at the south end of the valley, I suspect on SITLA property because they make mention of the supposed creater of the trail being the person who created Upper & Lower Helldorado & Upper & Lower Proving Grounds. All of those are on SITLA properties, and all but Upper Helldorado are now officially closed, & it would've most likely been closed if someone else had purchased the property.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Rick B said:
creater of the trail being the person who created Upper & Lower Helldorado & Upper & Lower Proving Grounds.

Not created by the same person....Helldorados were created by done by Hawkins and Zuk, PG were Kelly and Eric....


Sandy, Ut
Rick B said:
I've never heard of this trail before. But I'm going to ask around some. ....

Let us know what you find out Rick, I want to relay the correct info onto the club that is asking about it. Thanks for your help... Want to be a Southern Region U4WDA VP ;) Just an hour or so a month... :D


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
Rick B said:
I've never heard of this trail before. But I'm going to ask around some.

Based on the comments in the NAXJA forum thread I think this is an illegal trail. They are talking about busting through dead brush or trees, using chainsaws to open other trails, the trail being brand new, and I see what appears to be cryptobiotic soil in between the tire tracks in some of the photos. It appears to be in the area at the south end of the valley, I suspect on SITLA property because they make mention of the supposed creater of the trail being the person who created Upper & Lower Helldorado & Upper & Lower Proving Grounds. All of those are on SITLA properties, and all but Upper Helldorado are now officially closed, & it would've most likely been closed if someone else had purchased the property.

Care to make reference to the NAXJA thread that you're basing this info on?


Sandy, Ut
This thread wasn't and insn't about pointing fingers, the NAXJA thread is a couple years old, alot of trail designations have changes in that time. I am interested in its current status.

From the info I have so far (thanks for the research Todd), its trailhead is on BLM and a good majority of the trail are SITLA. From what can bee seen, it is most likely illegal. Please don't run it until it can be determined for certain. Thanks! :D

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
Well here's a partial update on what I've found. I put the Lat/Long coordinates I was given for this trail in my GPS & since I had an extra couple of hours this morning I drove out there to see if I could find it. The closest I could get to the coordinates I have was about 250 ft away, due south on an east/west road. there was no turnoff before that point & the next one after that point was nearly 1/2 mile away. It headed north toward the cliff & ended when it got there, at that point I was out of time & headed back to town. So the coordinates I was given are not any kind of trail whatsoever & appear to be in the bottom of a wash, I will verify that there is no trail in the wash next time. I will head out there again tomorrow afternoon & follow the road farther east to see what I find. I was definitely in the same general area as the photos from the NAXJA thread, so I'll probably find it eventually. I need to consult my maps to determine where the SITLA parcels are in that vicinity, that may narrow things down some if it is actually on SITLA property.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
OK, I found it this morning. I don't know who administers the land there but it doesn't matter. This was an illegal trail, I have no doubt about that after today. It can still be seen but it is very clearly blocked off with a number of Juniper trees. I walked along it for a short distance & could see where the former tire tracks in the soil had been raked over & it appears that it may have been seeded with wild grass.

BTW the lat/long coordinates I was given were within a few hundred feet of a fork in the road that I'm going to assume is what was intended to be marked. This would've been the point where the "trail" looped back. It's probable that I'm using a different datum than whoever marked that point (I use NAD 27 because this is what the US Government agencies use), thus the reason why my GPS showed it to be about 400' or so different.