Boy Scouts Forest Lake Trip Aug 20


Registered User
I am looking for help to get our scouts up to Forest Lake. We would like to introduce them to rock crawling and allow them to camp at Forest Lake. Here is what I had in mind: We would drive them all up to Dutchman's Flat earlier in the day and let them goof around a bit in the area. Make dinner for the scouts and our drivers at about 6:00. After dinner, load up the scouts and their backpacks and run up to the lake. Drivers can take off to go play some more as we will have the scouts hike out on Sat morning. We would have some requirements for the drivers like shoulder belts or 4 point harness for each scout, enough room for at least two scouts and their backpacks, no cussing, no drinking, etc.

Sound like fun?

Let me know what you all think.


P.S. We will have our scout trailer there to make dinner on Fri night for those that wanted to check it out.

Name / # of shoulder belts+lap belts only
fj40fax / 1
criuseroutfit / 1
metalry101 / 1+3
Richard Dyatt / ?
TJDukit / 2
Stephen / 1+1
richpblaze / 2+1
krany / 3
Maverick / 0+5
Bonker / 4
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Registered User
We would need a very firm count, probably with a couple extra seats by the week before in case someone had to bail out.


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ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I have done this twice with the great guys at Snake River Offroaders in Idaho Falls. It has been a huge hit with the Scouts. They beg me to go every year now.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I have room for 3 although the rear DS window will not go down. I could leave work early and be there if you need me. Just let me know.


This sounds like a great idea, I'd love to do it. I'd have room for two in my wrangler and my wife and kid will be in New York yay pass without asking.


Registered User
Looks like this will happen if we can get enough rigs by the end of the week. I will update the first post with an official count of how many can go and how many seats. Thanks for the help, I think the scouts are going to love this trip!

I will try to get a firm count of scouts by the end of this week also so we know exactly how many seats we'll need. I would still like to have a few extra seats as plans change and someone may have to bail out last minute. I am guessing we will have around 10 scouts.
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Sandy, Ut
Fax, I'm possibly available that evening, I'll know more by the end of the week. I'll be meeting the club Saturday morning for the run up to Trinny's property.

Your scouts wearing orange? Opening day of the hunt.
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Sandy, Ut
Good tip. We'll orange 'em up. Are you going to camp at Graveyard Flats? That may help us get a few of the WC'ers there.

How many belts have you got?

No exact camping plans as of now. Belts are up in the air, my Cruiser has 2 right now but I can put in my back seat and have 4. My Tacoma has 5 if I bring that. My only hangup with committing is I am waiting to hear back from a Candadian cruiserhead couple that will be in town that weekend, they are staying in Park City and we hoping to hitch a ride on the club run. They won't be camping but I would need to pick them up at Tibble.


Registered User
Correct we will be going up Friday night meeting at Dutchman's Flat at 6 for dinner. After we get up there the drivers can take off and go play some more or go home, we will walk out in the morning.

Anyone else able to help out? Should be a fun trip!