Braden....LG VX8800 Venus....when and ?


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Supporting Member
Is this phone cool? How thick is it? when is it available? Do stores have the dummy samples yet? Do I want the Pearl or the other LG phone more?

I want something thin, and I'd prefer a non flip phone.

werd to your mother.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
The 8800 is basically the new new chocolate. Same form-factor. Instead of the scroll wheel it will have a dynamic touch screen at the bottom of the outside of the phone. The stores don't have dummies yet, but I think it will be out probably in November. I've never really been a fan of either of the Chocolate phones, but to each his own. From what I hear from the people that have been using it (pre-launch), the Pearl II (It might just be called the Pearl at launch) is the stuff. It is really a solid device. It will almost certainly be more expensive than the 8800, but probably worth it. I'm upgrading to the Pearl as soon as I can. :)


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Yeah, I'm not sure what the deal is with Motorola's aversion to vowels. I like vowels myself. They really make words easy to pronounce.


If its anything like the Chocolate.......then :ugh:. Just a quick comparo, Cody. Steve had a Chocolate for all of a week and took it back because it was crap to use.


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Supporting Member
nice comparo. wouldn't you have to contrast with a different thing for it to be a campro?


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Supporting Member
ok, but then again, wouldn't you actually have to comparo it to another thing for it to be a comparo? either way, he's high on endochronic as usual.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
ok, but then again, wouldn't you actually have to comparo it to another thing for it to be a comparo? either way, he's high on endochronic as usual.

yes, in order for it to be a proper comparo or contrasto it would require at least two examples.