Broken LED light bar


Totally Awesome
Don't know what i should do with this thing. I got my money back from eBay on it. But 4 of the lights will not turn on. Being somewhat OCD this is driving my nuts. I took it apart, but i have no idea how to fix it.

I don't think i could stand to put it on the front. like this. but i can't find any parts to replace the broken non-functioning crap.

If it was one of mine I stock replacement parts. Your best bet if you got a refund is to just sell it as is and keep the extra money as compensation for wasting your time.
its a 24" light bar. I don't have to send it back. I basically got it for free (after a long drawn out argument with eBay). the seller claimed to be in the USA. But they were actually shipped out from China. Its off eBay.

i think its a 120 watt if i remember right.

This section is the broken one. I could easily solder in a new section if i could get the parts.
