Canaan Mountain Sawmill Road


Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association

Canaan Mountain Sawmill Road, Show of Support​

Show your support for the Canaan Mountain Sawmill Road and the court case we are fighting in its defense. Let Washington County and other local governments around the area know that we expect them to protect our property rights and not give away our roads.

A group of individuals will be meeting in Broad Hollow where the Sawmill Road is barricaded and signed as closed. We need a big crowd in order to show that we are out here and asking that our local officials protect our interests

When: Saturday June 7th
Time: We’ll start meeting at 8:00 a.m.

If you are not familiar with the area, you can meet at the turnoff on the Coral Pink Sand Dune Road, this is the graveled road approx. 5 miles west of the State Park entrance. Someone will be there from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to lead groups in.

For more information or directions:
Contact: Richard (435) 644-5519
or (435) 648-2317
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