Canan Mountain Area


Sand Pile
St George Utah
Canan Mountain Area Coral Pink Sand Dunes Area

Hey for anyone interesed in riding the BLM area around Coral pink Sand dunes on Canan Mountain. Not the dunes themselves, they are open and nice as ever. Be advised the BLM claims that it is a closed area even though Washington County and Kane County said it is an open county road. As it does pass through both counties. Any one in there will be cited a 300.00 dollar fine for being in a closed area. They are staking the area out mainly on the weekends. So take it as a warning or as a chance to open a can of worms to either prove it is open or closed. Definetly believe the USA-all will be getting involved as many of the local people( upstanding respected business owners etcc.. were cited) it will be a fight. So Heads UP
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Registered User
Riverton, Ut
This sucks! This is an awesome trail. Is this new? I have cousins that live in Orderville/Mt Carmel - I go down there- times a year. I know the locals go out there all the time. I've been on it about 4 times. Has anyone actually got a ticket?
I know the pligs from Short Creek go up there quite a bit too.


Sand Pile
St George Utah
Canan Mtn Coral Pink Dunes Area

Yes this is a very ausome trail. The trail has supposedly been closed since 1980 as wilderness study area wich was before the cutoff for the abolished wilderness study area. And yes there were well over 10 tickets written on Saturday, they are writing them for the MAX fine of 300.00 people I work with some of those who were ticketed. The area was used up until 1935 for logging, it has a very well established road into there wich is on the Map as a Rs4277 road in Kane and Washington County. There is also a four wheeler only trail that comes up from Colorado City called Squirrel Canyon. For anyone that has not seen the area, it is abosolutely one of the most gorgeous areas to ride in Southern Utah. I will keep you posted on the progress of the suit. Of course this affects the local's the most as many people have been riding there since they were kids and hunting etc...
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Registered User
Riverton, Ut
I heard an update on this. Apparently there were two guys that got tickets. A business owner from St. George, and a cop from Cedar. The guy from St. George paid the ticket. The cop from Cedar fought it and went to court. The judge threw it out saying the BLM didn't have authority to give the tickets. I guess Washington County screwed up and didn't include this road on the inventory list, but according to the judge, the road then goes to the state, not the blm. I also heard that the BLM is still out there giving tickets, and people continue to fight them.
This is all 3rd hand, but I hope its reasonably accurate.

I'm curious, How many people on this board have been on this trail?



Sand Pile
St George Utah
Canan Mtn

Yes there were these two tickets wrote and what you heard is close to correct although the BLM has contested the judges ruling and brought it back to court. Also 9 tickets were wrote to people in the Hurricane Area and they are all going to fight it. The BLM are who missed the road on there inventory not Washington County. It is shown on the county map as a RS2477 road wich in the county's opinion is and open road. Also USA-all has gotten involved so I will keep you updated.

As for the location of the trail it is partway in Washington and part in Kane County. It is quite close to Coral Pink Sand Dunes and I have ever only heard it called Canan Mtn. Kane and Canan are different Canan Mtn in Mainly in Washington County(the area being contested)

are kane and canan the same, and just different terminology, or are they different. Have read about the "killer kane canyon" trails, and am wanting to go there

Posted by kirk86CJ - 05-06-2004 at 11:00 AM

kirk86CJ said:
I heard an update on this. Apparently there were two guys that got tickets. A business owner from St. George, and a cop from Cedar. The guy from St. George paid the ticket. The cop from Cedar fought it and went to court. The judge threw it out saying the BLM didn't have authority to give the tickets. I guess Washington County screwed up and didn't include this road on the inventory list, but according to the judge, the road then goes to the state, not the blm. I also heard that the BLM is still out there giving tickets, and people continue to fight them.
This is all 3rd hand, but I hope its reasonably accurate.

I'm curious, How many people on this board have been on this trail?
