Canan Mtn


Sand Pile
St George Utah
Just an update on Canan Mtn trail near Coral Pink Sand Dunes. There was another Court judgement concerning the road being closed. There was 6 or more tickets written to individuals riding on Canan Mtn and all were found guilty of riding in a closed area. It is a shame to see and area like this non accessible to the public. The road has been there for 50 plus years and there was actually commecial business on Canan Mtn. Yet somehow it slipped through the cracks and was put into Wilderness study area before 1980. The road has been closed and is still closed to travel although it is interesting to read how many people all over the Western United States travel to Canan mtn to run it.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
It must get a lot of traffic if it's been closed for 25 years or so & you can still tell it's a road.


Registered User
Riverton, Ut
My understanding is its a county vs. BLM thing. Also, I think part of it is in Kane county and part in Washington county. I believe that at least the Kane county people think it is a county road, and shouldn't be closed.

It is a well traveled road. If you look at the pictures posted on JU about the accident, you will notice a big log winch looking thing. That was used to drop timbers off the cliff back when they logged the area. There is also a old 15 ft (guessing) travel trailer up there that some rancher hauled up there like 40 or 50 years ago (again a guess) I don't know how he did it. It must have been a lot better road than it is now.

I wish USA-ALL, or the U4WDA coud help with this one. This is probably my favorite ROAD.

Was this court decision a recent one?


Lobbyist \ Consultant
We are more involved than you may know. there are some legal technecalities that we are working through. our lawyer has been investigating these cases and we may move on them. There are some statute limitations that are complicating the situation, and the fact it is in a WA, makes it even more fun. It's incedents like this that really make us mad. it's also why it's important to have a local watchdog like USA-ALL. So keep supporting us and we will be there for you. this case is a great example, our attorney has been in contact with the individuals cited, your local dollars, being paid to our attorney, helping local boy's. it's a beautiful thing.



Sand Pile
St George Utah

utahmike said:
We are more involved than you may know. there are some legal technecalities that we are working through. our lawyer has been investigating these cases and we may move on them. There are some statute limitations that are complicating the situation, and the fact it is in a WA, makes it even more fun. It's incedents like this that really make us mad. it's also why it's important to have a local watchdog like USA-ALL. So keep supporting us and we will be there for you. this case is a great example, our attorney has been in contact with the individuals cited, your local dollars, being paid to our attorney, helping local boy's. it's a beautiful thing.


Hey Canan Mountain update. The judge considers the road closed even though the county considers it open. The case is now at the point that the individuals are trying to decide if they should appeal the judges decision. None of the county officials in Washington County and the judges want to go out on a limb and say this is an open county road. Interesting topic though and what they are suggesting is making a north and south canan with the road left open with a 300 foot easment. Yes USA ALL has been a great help in this case and us Southern Utah People appreciate you help as not to be rude but Southern Utah has TONS OF BLM AND public land that is on the table and could be lost to closures and wilderness compared to other places in the state.


Registered User
Riverton, Ut
"what they are suggesting is making a north and south canan with the road left open with a 300 foot easment"

What does this mean? So does this mean the BLM will actively be writing tickets. I would hate to have people using it during this "unresolved" time be used as amunition to close it, but I also think if everyone quits using the trail, that also could be used to support a closure (from THIER perspective).

I would think that the BLM should back off knowing there is two sides to whether is is closed or not.

Thanks for the updates!
