Changes to trails @ EJS


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OK, here we go....I didn't try and make a personal arguement out of things, but that seems to be what you want. If argument is what you want, I'll argue with you for is a couple snippets to keep you entertained....

fourdoorjeep said:
I go down over Easter and do not pay the fees to ride with RR4WD trail run. I do not feel that I am part of the problem. The main reason I do not go on an organized trail with the RR4WD club is it takes to long to do a trail with that large of a group.

So because you're not part of the problem, you don't need to be part of the solution. Gotcha. Well, the problem exists, and unfortunately for us bud, good people will have to suffer because there are bad apples. Just because you are not part of the problem does not mean that the problem doesn't exist and unfortunately the solution may effect you as well. You are correct however in that by removing the responsible element from EJS we may make the problem worse.

I would think that the good people of RR4WD club would know how the permit funds are being used. You may not care were the money is being used until you find out that is being used to close trails. Are you trying to say ...that I should not care or know where the funds are going because I have not paid in the last few years. If I am going to pay for something I should know what I am getting. If I sign up for a trail run I would do it to donate the money to RR4WD club, not to run it with them.

The good people. Try and be less condescending if you're trying to be constructive. Do you know where your fees go when you pay to enter Sand Flats for Hells Revenge? Do you know where the huge tax on your gasoline goes (maybe to subsidize exports to make more profits for big business---nother discussion ;) ) Do you account for every cent of your sales and property tax every year to know where it is going---and if you do---do you not pay portions of it because you don't like how it is being used? Obviously it's good to know where the money is being used, but we need to stop thinking of the BLM as the enemy and think of them as part of the solution. Do you realize how under-staffed they are? I talked to a BLM ranger a couple years ago in a newer 3" lifted XJ and he said that the XJ was the very first vehicle they had that coudl get into some of the trails to patrol them. BLM's money goes all over the place---yes to close trails, but also to patrol them, to enforce the rules on them, to do EA's, to FIGHT THE COUNTLESS LAWSUITES THAT ARE FILED BY GREEN ORGANIZATIONS (SUCH AS SUWA). I remember seeing a percentage once while I was doing some research that showed how much money the BLM spent annually in litigative endeavors. I don't remember the figure, but it was astounding and if part of that money went to enforceing the rules that are in place, then we wouldn't have nearly the problem that we do. So, what I'm saying here is that some of the money does go towards shutting trails down, but lots of it goes towards projects and other things that help us. We need to go through the propper steps, and build the relationships that will help us gain the favor of the BLM and work with them to manage the land and control our sport.

Their are more than 10 off pavement roads in the area, so if each road cost $50,000 that would be over a million dollars. After paying the usage fees and the 5 or so year permit fee, the RR4WDs has to pay another $500,00.00 to $1,000,000? If the RRWD is covering the whole cost of the EA’s, that is not far, all of the people who use the area should help pay. How many years would that take and how much more would you have to charge to cover that cost? Help me with your math.

I love how constructive you are here. "help me with your math". What does that serve? Does taking a cheap shot at someone increase your credibility. Since when does 50,000 x 10+ trails add up to 1,000,000. I guess we all aren't privlidged to have learned the implications and models of theoretical multiplication like yourself. I think Capernicus would be proud of your mastery of the art--but anyways ;) (feels good doesn't it) But you are correct, the numbers don't add up and it would be neither fair or possible for the BLM to hold the rr4w responsible for the EA's. There are thousands of miles of roads that travel through areas that will need EA's. They will cost money, and who knows where the money is. But I think the point was (and correct me if I'm wrong) that if there isn't money found to cover them, and the BLM doesn't have it, the only solutoin for them is to shut them down. Now, they may not fight that too hard since it isn't exactly a walk in the park for 4 people to patrol a few thousand miles of roads, a few million acres of land, and a few thousand people who are using it every day. It would be and is a very helpless situation for them---but lets not think about that because the blm is our enemy.

Anyways, this thread isn't supposed to be an argument so I'll stop there. Asking questions and trying to find alternative solutions is awesome, and we need more people that are willing to do that. Unfortunatly, we have a ton of people who ask lots of questions and type big game about access rights and the blm and land closures and how long they've been involved, but they end it with a few keystrokes and a deep down feeling of pride for talking the talk.

I know how much time and heart people like Kurt, dsrtsqrl, Todd, EZ etc. etc put into helping our cause. There are always people who have fast fingers but don't show up to help out the u4wda, or the blm or anything. I'm not saying you don't (the antecedent to 'you' being 4doorjeep)), but there are tons of people like that.

There is u4wda meeting coming up. Thats a perfect place for you to find out more information and to contribute your ideas, solutions, and obvious desire to get involved and make a change.


at any rate, lets leave the argument and condescending remarks behind. If you want to respond to something I said that was taken personally, you can PM me, or you can just remember this last quote.

Some of you guys put things out there, and when people call you on it, you get upset.

Don't get upset.

It's all in good fun till the antagonist gets antagonized :D
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4x4 Addict!
When you pay the fee to enter Sand Flaats area the info they give you states that the fees stay in the Sand Flats area and I think they mention some of the things they are used for.
Come on Cody you can't have the last word in an argument and then call an end to it you have to win it fair and square. :D


Sandy, Ut
roktaxi said:
.... I would recommend supporting all the other land use organizations such as BRC, USA-ALL and U4WDA. These groups don't get involved with rumors or information that cannot be varified....

Agreed :D

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
fourdoorjeep said:
Post a web link to the page where you found this information.
Thanks Todd for the information.
here is the handbook

My take on Onion Creek:
The reason the BLM has restricting it and will probably close it is due to water quality. SUWA says we are silting up and contaminating the stream with our vehicles. This stream is “Onion Creek” which gets it name because it smells like onions. The smell comes from the arsenic in the water! It is not drinkable in fact we warn people with dogs not to let them drink from it. I guess you can see I am pissed and not just this one problem. It dumps directly into the Colorado River! This silt is how canyon country came to be. How ridiculous is that?

I got slammed by making statements that I didn’t back up with reason. Oh well I just think sometimes people have to think and research for themselves. I have been in the game for quite some time now and take some things for granted.

I am pissed the RR4W have to play this stupid and expensive game with the BLM.

I am pissed that we all have to cow down to these stupid BLM rules like liability insurance with them as beneficiary.

I am pissed that to do a “club run” we have to apply for a permit 6 months in advance and take out this costly insurance to remain legal.

I am pissed because I feel we have to pay to play. What I mean by that is, we need to be Landuse Stewards by volunteering time for such things as clean up after the assholes that left their campsite a mess or tore up a wet land area or left their old junk car out on public land.

I am pissed that I have to tell a young father that by riding around on his ATV with his 3 year old without a helmet he is breaking the law.

I am pissed by some of the stupid statements on this tread. I won’t say which ones.

I am pissed that I have spent so much time over the years and more and more of my favorite trails have been closed. Fighting an up hill battle.

I am pissed that all the rest of the 4x4 community is not as pissed of as I am about this stuff.

So I guess I will just try to forget it and start to have fun where I can like everyone else. Leading EJS trails especially Elephant Hill, Competing with my wife (I have fun but she has more). Going on trails with close friends.


Registered User
Glad to hear they are doing that. I wished they would have done that sooner.

Also wished when they move date of safari, they moved it after Easter, not before, which last I heard was the plan.
For all you bitching about it!
What if they said too hell with it, were just going to quit doing it! I don't know about any of you, but some of my best 4x4 memories, have been at EJS. Not last few years:-(, I actually don't even really like going anymore. Only reason I do anymore, is cause I'm taking someone that's never been, or I need some parts(seen to get good deal). If it is parts, I only go down couple day's.

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
If you have seen this I am sorry but Stu has put this just as I feel and worth the read again. We are arguing amongst ourselves to the point of calling our own arrogant. You want to see arrogance go here.
I complain about the BLM regulations. These rules have been brought on not only by groups like SUWA but by motorized users that either don’t know the rules or care not to follow them. Someone earlier was not sure how much of the BLM budget goes to litigation. It is 40%!

Taking Back What Is Mine!
By Stu Olson

Note: I can not take credit for coming up with the idea behind this article. That belongs, as I understand it, to and unknown person that attended the 2002 High Desert Roundup. A big thank you goes out to that person for coining the phrase "anti-recreationist".. I hope we can all put it to good use in our day to day conversations as well.

I looked it up in the dictionary, environmentalist, that word we often times hear spoken with a colorful explicative preceding it. In the off-road community, it is used as the politically correct word for "those damn greenies"....those folks that are out to shut down our favorite past time.

In Webster's, an environmentalist is defined as a person working to solve environmental problems, such as pollution, resource depletion, or uncontrolled population growth. It doesn't say anything about "those damn greenies" or their multi-million dollar non-profit corporations that have been built to support their "environmental" cause.

From my viewpoint, a fence has been erected and as is always the case, there are two sides to the fence. On one side are the greenies....the self-proclaimed environmentalists that are here to save the world. On the other side of the fence is the off-road community, you, me, and everyone else that wheels for recreation.

The greenies have put us, the off-road community, on the side of the fence where the environmentalists don't live....WHY? Because they need us there so their cause can be made more just. Example: The greenies start a campaign to "save the short nosed gopher". OK....whoopy doo goes Joe Citizen. However, if they are saving the short nosed gopher from "the beer guzzling, gopher squishing, weekend slobs that are tearing up the gopher mounds with their monster trucks", Joe Citizen will better respond to the cause and send plenty of money to the greenies so they can make the world safe for the gopher (and that means closing down all the trails that go anywhere within a 100 mile radius of any short nosed gopher). Why do they do this to us? Because we have let them.

But, that is about to change if I have anything to say about it.

As an environmentalist, I very much care about the land I recreate on. I have a passion to drive on old Jeep trails, to see those beautiful sites, the old mining towns, and to enjoy everything the wonderful outdoors has to offer me, my family, and most importantly, my friends. I also try very hard to NOT drive over short nosed gophers, spotted owls, Mexican wolves, and the other plethora of species that have been placed on the endangered species list. I want my kids to see all of these neat animals, fish, and birds too!

As an environmentalist, I worry about the depletion of natural resources, such as our land. They are not making any more of it and when it is all used up, where will we be then? When our land is closed to public access by land management agencies that yield to the threats of greenie lawsuits, where am I suppose to recreate? I care about managed timbering and how it helps protect our forest from over growth and leaves them so vulnerable to forest fires. (As I sit here writing this, a 30,000 acre forest fire burns in the Coronado National Forest, out of control now for two weeks.)

As an environmentalist, I worry about the pollution I see on our land. Uncontrolled water sheds cause run-off into our rivers and lakes. I supported preventative trail maintenance so as to control top soil run-off. Uncontrolled dumping of hazardous chemicals destroys our ground water and kills both plant and wildlife. Breakdowns on the trails, if not properly attended to, could cause oil or other fluids to be released to the environment. I always carry a container in which I can safely capture these fluids and take them home for proper disposal.

As an environmentalist, I help our land management agencies, such as the BLM and Forest Service by supplying constructive input for their land management plans. Their job is not an easy one and I believe they deserve all the help we can provide them. I assist in public land clean ups every up the mess I did not make and trying to educate others on how to TREADLightly when they recreate on our lands.

As an environmentalist, I mentor new people who have just discovered how great it is to go wheelin' with new found friends. Although I am no expert, I try to pass along all the important things that I have learned from those who helped me when I got my first 4x4 vehicle. The new folks need to understand how important it is to treat our trails with respect. They need to understand about "Pack it in, Pack it out". They must understand that cutting new trails is not what our sport is is about staying on the trail and building their ride so that it is capable of traveling on the trails without impacting the environment.

As an environmentalist, I have two trash containers that get emptied every week. One holds the recyclable material and the other holds the trash. When I come back from a trail run, I help fill the recycle container with bottles and cans I picked up while on the trail. I also recycle the engine oil from my vehicles. It goes to the local auto parts store where they collect used oil.

When I look back at what I do as an environmentalist, I am proud of my actions and accomplishments.

The more I think of it, the more I realize that the greenies are really not environmentalists at all....they are anti-recreationists. They threaten our land management agencies with law suits and they demand that access to our public lands be denied to the off-road community. There solution to the problem is to lock everyone out. I don't see them helping on the trail cleanups and I don't see them providing constructive input at the public land use meetings. From now on, I will not degrade the environmentalist label by applying it to the greenies. They do NOT deserve to be called such a thing.

Yes...I am an environmentalist and I work hard to help support our right to access public lands. I am taking back the title that is rightfully mine. I urge each and every one of you to inform your friends and family members about the anti-recreationists and their agenda. It is time for you too to take back what is rightfully yours are an environmentalist.

Please, post a link to this page so that EVERYONE gets the word!

If you don't tell them, who will?


Sandy, Ut
Cody said:
...There is u4wda meeting coming up. Thats a perfect place for you to find out more information and to contribute your ideas, solutions, and obvious desire to get involved and make a change...

BINGO, talk or walk :D


Smooth Gang Founding Member
what trails are closed on saturday to the "general public"

having to pay to wheel just seems wrong, especially since i have not had a problem in years past... but i guess we'll see what happens (something good hopefully :) )
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Sandy, Ut
xj_punk said:
what trails are closed on saturday to the "general public"

None, here are the "proposed" closures:
Pritchett Canyon
Behing the Rocks
Poison Spider
Gold Bar Rim
Moab Rim

xj_punk said:
having to pay to wheel just seems wrong...

Get ready for the future, you already pay to play in AF Canyon, Mirror Lake Highway, Sand Flats Recreation Area, get ready for more with new legislature (sp?)


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Supporting Member
cruiseroutfit said:
BINGO, talk or walk :D

I'm no bettin man, but I say Ideas McGee doesn't show. It's soo much easier to sit on the sidelines and let others put in the due dilligence requisit to change.

(weak attempt to provoke participation through guilt)

having to pay to wheel just seems wrong, especially since i have not had a problem in years past... but i guess we'll see what happens (something good hopefully )

You're right. But if you can choose between paying to wheel, and not being able to at all--what would you choose? Unfortunatly for a lot of areas, thats what its coming down to. Developments in land use legislation, especially the initiatives endorsed by the highly funded and organized green organizations, are moving us in that direction. We're going to have to do something, or learn to live with restricted access. I think to some extent, restricted access is inevitable.

The trail closures on big saturday suck, but if I had my choice, I would lobby for greater restrictions on some of those. Last year I started Pritchett at 9 a.m. on Friday. By 11 a.m. I had almost made it the 100 yards to the bottom of the first obstacle. I had already watched 3 different vehicles drop off the trail into the brush and the wash to pass other vehicles that were not moving. This is bad. There is no way to avoid this without making some sort of restrictions. It's sad, but Moab is the center of environmental turmoil in the US. I've been on trails all over UT, CO, and AZ. Moab is by far the cleanest and most well maintained trail system I've ever seen. The trails in AZ were a shame----trash everywhere, tracks everywhere, etc. It's sad, but in Moab 1 person going of the trail can have a significant effect on the future of the trail. You don't have that in any other part of the country (save for the rubicon, but I've heard tale that the rubicon is essentially a waste repository for californian red-necks). We need to play our cards right in Moab in order to set precidents around the country.

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Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
drtsqrl said:
Okay, I need to clarify the Environmental Assesment thing a bit. As of right now, the BLM usually bears the cost of a new EA. There is no "set" amount for an EA, but they could cost as much as $50,000 or more. The BLM has been making noise lately suggesting that in the future the group that applies for a permit would need to cover the cost of an EA (if one is required). Once an EA is in place, it covers that trail for anyone else who seeks an event permit. This is certainly not fair, and a fight could be brewing if it goes into policy!

Usually, a new EA would be required if there are land-use policy changes (such as surely will be the case when the new RMP comes out), or significant environmental concerns. Not all of the trails in Moab will require new EA's, but it's a good bet that some will. At this time, I don't believe an EA is required for anything but an event (might be wrong here, anyone know for sure?).


Very true. Unfortunatly we don't know exactly what the future will bring, I was just trying to give people an idea of what could likely be facing us very, very soon.

Also an EA covers a geographic area not an individual trail, so 1 EA could cover multiple trails depending on their proximity to each other.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Cody said:
IYou're right. But if you can choose between paying to wheel, and not being able to at all--what would you choose?

oh i would definitely choose to pay as long as it was reasonable.
but hopefully there are some benefits that come along with paying, thats why i said i hoped something good happened.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
drtsqrl said:
Rick B., I have to ask just why you won't get involved with the RR4W? You say you live in Moab, but I have never met you. You have some good ideas (I agree with most things you post), but what good does it do to just rant on a BBS? If you had been a member of the club, it just might have been enough to change the results of the vote!

And jmaxj, you also say you live in Moab, but don't agree with the RR4W bull****. So why not step up to the plate, become a member, and be part of the solution instead of just complaining?


Jeff, I grew up in this town. I will not join or become involved with RR4W because I refuse to have anything to do with the "good ol' boys" who are the core of the club. As I stated earlier, I haven't had any direct involvement with Jeep Safari since 1978, when I was spotter for the trail leader on a trip attemping to find a route across from Gold Bar Rim to Poison Spider Mesa. That was about when the core of RR4W started making plans to form the club & take over running Jeep Safari. It was strictly a business proposition to them then, and as far as I'm concerned it still is. Yes they've done some good, but I don't give them all the credit for the trails in the area being still open.

I have no desire to be a part of any club, I don't fit in that kind of environment. Once the political BS gets started I lose all tolerance for it. to me is't too much like the corporate culture that I've also given up on trying to fit in with. I suspect that jmaxj has similar feelings about becoming a member of a club, although I don't personally know him.

I do my part in other ways, most noticeably by tying a trash bag to the back of my Bronco on the trails I run & stopping to pick up all the trash I see. But I've donated money to some organizations that promote the positive side of off road driving.

I don't have an explaination of why we've never met beyond the fact that I don't have anything to do with RR4W. I moved back to Moab at the end of May & I'm out & about as much as I can be in the area. Having grown up here I probably tend to spend a lot more time on the unknown & lesser known roads & trails than the vast majority of people. I'm a lot more interested in seeing the country than most people in the off road community & therefore generally avoid the larger gatherings on the same old trails.


I luv Pritchett
Rick - Okay, I can respect that, but don't you think things may be a bit different now than they were in 1978? You seem to have a lot of good ideas, and you just might find that being involved with the club would be of mutual benefit.

However, that being said, I admit that I have also backed off from my involvement with the club recently. In my opinion, the only thing that really matters to the majority of people in the RR4W is Jeep Safari. Many of them rarely wheel except during EJS, and land use issues seem to be of little concern to many unless it involves one of the Safari trails. For me, this was not what I was looking for from a 4 wheel drive club. The club has and still does a lot of good things for the trails in Moab, but I for one will be focusing my efforts in other ways in the future.

Stop and introduce yourself if you see me on a trail or in town some time. I drive a yellow samurai with 35's, stretched wheelbase, and usually no top. The license plate is "DRTSQRL". I'd love to run a trail with you sometime.



Locked Up = More Freedom

drtsqrl said:
In my opinion, the only thing that really matters to the majority of people in the RR4W is Jeep Safari. Many of them rarely wheel except during EJS, and land use issues seem to be of little concern to many unless it involves one of the Safari trails. For me, this was not what I was looking for from a 4 wheel drive club.

This is really the heart of internal problems within the Club. We have Club members that have devoted COUNTLESS hours over many years in the presuit of "doing battle" with government agencies over non-EJS trails only to get nothing more than a pat on the back for their efforts. But let there be an issue with EJS or one of the trails and all guns are drawn. Rick and Jeff's comments are shared by many, but appathy runs strong with the ASSOCIATE RR4W members as they don't realize there's more to RR4W than EJS. What is not common knowledge is that a number of "core" members no longer will support just an "EJS Club" mainly because of the lack of support in other issues besides EJS.

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
roktaxi said:
This is really the heart of internal problems within the Club. We have Club members that have devoted COUNTLESS hours over many years in the presuit of "doing battle" with government agencies over non-EJS trails only to get nothing more than a pat on the back for their efforts. But let there be an issue with EJS or one of the trails and all guns are drawn. Rick and Jeff's comments are shared by many, but appathy runs strong with the ASSOCIATE RR4W members as they don't realize there's more to RR4W than EJS. What is not common knowledge is that a number of "core" members no longer will support just an "EJS Club" mainly because of the lack of support in other issues besides EJS.

Things have changed. For a bit of retrospect I would like to give my reasons for joining the club in the first place which, over the years have changed.

Linda and I started 4-wheeling in southern Utah in the early ‘70’s. Mostly in Canyonlands but as we wanted to see more country we found that not only our vehicle but our skills as back country drivers were not up to the task of tacking on the more difficult trails. So in 1992 I talked Linda into going to the EJS.

The very first trail we went on was a disaster. I won’t mention the trail leader but he was one of the original “goo old boys” that needed to prosper his business with the influx of tourism and didn’t give a rat’s ass about the folks behind him. Then we met Jean Akens. Jean lead us on “her” trail. After the safari we made almost every monthly trail ride for a couple of years. In those years Linda and I found what we were looking for. Not only the friends we made along the way but learned how to wheel following folks like Ber, Brad, Marty, Glen and others. The club at that time did have other interests besides EJS and that was wheeling!

There are a lot of good hard working people in the club. I have seen some of these folks loose interest and quit the club even to give up wheeling. I think the days of the “good old boys” are long gone. The members that have stuck it out deserve a lot of credit and as far as I know none of them are any of the “good old boys” of the past.

So what is the answer to where the club is now and what needs to be done? I am not sure but if I were a local I sure as hell would get involved rather than just bitching about it.