Check this out

Yeah, I saw that over there too. I really dont know what they are going to acheive with it other than the readily available torque, but that is generally taken care of in a standard engine with the proper gearing and setup of the engine. Weight isn't going to be much less, if any at all, cause the motor will weight 100-200lbs and they are gonna need some serious batteries (5-10 yellow tops which weigh about 40lbs each) so you are now at 400-600lbs for that setup (which is more than a V6 weighs in at)...the only benefit I can see (like Redbull pointed out) is able to mount and setup stuff where ever you want to as there is no more radiator and plumbing for it and minimal fans if any at all. Some are saying you can get it compact, but if you think about mounting 5-10 yellow tops tell how compact you can get it:D
I've always thought about doing a hydraulic powered crawler. One motor at each wheel, similar to the construction site fork lifts.
I like the concept but his buggy is built the wrong way...I would sit a lot lower and the buggy would be a lot lighter. Then I would use ballast to make weight but I would be able to place it wherever I want.