Chicago blows A%& I'm movin back to the west


Active Member
in limbo
Well I'm moving back to the west, most likely northern nevada but I'll be coming throught SLC and wouldn't mind seeing any of my friends that I met through this site while I was there. Basicly I moved to Chicago for my now ex's job and 6 months later she decided the grass was greener else where which left me with pretty much nothing and no place to live, so I'm headed back closer to friends and family. I'll be comin through in about a week or two.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Bummer to hear about the relationship, but welcome back to wheeling country. Where do you think you'll end up?


Active Member
in limbo
I have an old friend that lives in winnemucca ( I know it's out in BFE ) so that's where I'll head first to get my head straight, then from there... who knows but i think I'll like the whole reno tahoe thing, we'll just have to see.