

somewhat damaged
Ugh, so do I. Yet, we continue to go because people we like go and it's just a vicious ugly cycle. :-\

But remember, the first part of the week is always good... it's the last half.

But then again, it's going to be early and cold this year. Hmm.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but seeing the fact that you joined our lovely community a mere 3 days ago, I feel it's a bit unfair on your part to be labeling someone as selfish whom it seems you don't know from Adam. Second of all, every action has a consequence, sweetie. That's called life. :)

Don't you have to wheel to go to EJS?


Kinda of a lame post. It seems that the original poster wanted opinions on his choices. And what does it matter how many posts you have or days you have been on the forum? :rolleyes:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but seeing the fact that you joined our lovely community a mere 3 days ago, I feel it's a bit unfair on your part to be labeling someone as selfish whom it seems you don't know from Adam. Second of all, every action has a consequence, sweetie. That's called life. :)

I almost said that last part: everything you do modifies reality from that point forward.

Don't you have to wheel to go to EJS?

I hate you. -_-




Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Kinda of a lame post. It seems that the original poster wanted opinions on his choices. And what does it matter how many posts you have or days you have been on the forum? :rolleyes:

No, I didn't, really.... just waxing a bit on the difficulties of deciding.

the fact that he started this thread about a half hour after the fights ended tells me that he or his wife had already made up his mind;)

Yep. Had just gotten home from probably the more beneficial choice, but by far the least pleasant. :( :D


total tacoma points: 162
Eeeeexxxxactly. No ultimatums, just choices with consequences.

Sounds like I would have been pissed to see the fights anyway. I can't stand GSP, but I think Jay might be right about him. :(

Hell, I'm supposed to be in WY. :mad:

i dont think you would have been upset. the fights before the gsp/hughes fight where pretty good.
unfortunatly there wont be another good fight till march or later.