Comment NOW on the Kanab, UT BLM RMP!


Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association


The Kanab BLM District is revising their Resource Management Plan (RMP), this plan will dictate the future of motorized recreation on all BLM lands in the greater Kanab area. The Kanab BLM office has developed four alternatives, each with varying components such as the amount of trails it closes to motorized use. The U4WDA has worked closely with our local member club the Canyon Country 4x4 Club to make sure our voice is heard, make sure your voice is too!

When: Comments are due by January 10th, 2008. If your mailing them, send them a couple of days early.

If we don't, existing access to countless historic trails could be lost, they are slated for closure under several alternatives of the new RMP. Additionally the BLM has determined portions of land having "Wilderness Characteristics", many of which are part of SUWA's Redrock Wilderness Act before Congress. We need to fight this here. Don't let them push this into the RMP. These areas could become "fake" Wilderness, despite the fact they currently have existing and open roads right through them. Access to these areas would be lost forever!

How can you help: Take 20-30 minutes of your time and follow these steps.

Step 1: Read through the U4WDA Official Comment regarding the Kanab RMP here:

Step 2: Read through these suggested talking/comment points here:

Step 3: Write your comment! Include personal experiences in the area, future plans, but be sure to reference the talking points in Step 2. Be polite, descriptive, and most of all informed.

Your done!

Mail or email your comments here:


Bureau of Land Management
Kanab Field Office
RMP Comments
318 North 100 East
Kanab, UT 84741



Q: Why don't you just list the email address to submit comments?

A: Comments need to be substantive! Simple comments like, "please keep the roads open" or "I support OHV recreation" are worthless and will be discarded. Take a few minutes to read through the information provided, and then submit your own comments.

Q: Why don't we use an automated "letter writer" or an online form letter to submit comments?

A: Automatically generated comments & form letters are worthless! These comments are counted as ONE comment even if 10,000 people send in the email. The comments need to be personal, unique, and informed.

Q: Isn't this a little late notice?
A: Information about the RMP has been available for months all over the Internet, in U4 publications, and on numerous online forums. But it's not too late! Submit your comments today!


For more information & questions:
Feel free to contact me: Kurt Williams -


Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association
Hello All, I sure hope you have all taken a minute to send in a comment on this RMP. Even if you have never wheeled in the area or Utah for that matter, your comments are still VERY important! Don't let apathy close down our trails, COMMENT RIGHT THIS MINUTE PLEASE!

Remember, the comment period ends Thursday, email your comments ASAP!