Constrictor Clean Up


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
ok this was started some time back and i would like to bring it up again to refresh the subject and get people motivated again to do something.

i know that some things still need to be taken care of as far as talking to the BLM ,getting a date ,and deciding exactly what were are going to do with the bypass.

are we going to stick to the fence and some planting?are we going to try and get sponsor ship from any local nurserys or Home Depot or Lowes for plants?trying to get some good coverage of the project and everybody getting together to clean up the area?

so lets get the talks started here


I run a tight ship... wreck
Yep, we need to get it going... RME had adopted those trails, we need to continue upkeeping them. There's been some great things done in the past & the anchor that was installed this year really helps.

How about one thing at a time? There's plenty of work that we can spread out over the summer. I'l like to see buck & pole fences at the beginning of the trail, around the Wolverine, where the first bypass is. Also the same thing at the Eagles Nest, top & bottom.

I know there was some debate last time about the legality & fairness of closing bypasses, but IMO they were not there when the trail was made. The trail should be restored to it's originally intended routes. We just need to make sure we're not burning any bridges with the BLM, all our work needs to be approved.

Here in Grand Junction one of the local clubs adopted a trail & they had some great signs made, stating the nature of the trail. Here's a pic of one of them-


There's another, very large, stating the required equipment; Minimum of 35's, 2 lockers, winch, tools, etc. It's very cool.

I'd want to attend the trail repair weekend, what weekend would be the best for this? Let's do it soon, before it gets too hot. :D
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I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
yes i figured if we were to do a new sign something like that would be nice and since it is larger it could be placed in the way of the bypass infront of the fence .there also needs to be two fences at the begining.most don't realize to drop in early to the right and into the there needs to be a fence on both sides of the ditch.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Is there any trash on the trails? Last time we participated in the BLM sponsered cleanup, there was literally truckloads of trash. That would be a place to start, make good with the BLM & work on approving the bypasses.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Ok, I'm going to toss out a date... June 10th. It's a month away, soon enough that it'll be fresh in out minds, yet far away enough that we can plan what we're going to do.

I work every other weekend, so that date will work for me. It's a Saturday, FYI.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Badger said:
there are some bottles and cans here and there.the typical stuff you pick up one weekend only to find again the next weekend

Well that's good to hear. With the completed anchor install, is there anything that we can do that the BLM might not have issues with? Perhaps larger, more prominent signs? I'm thinking mostly of Constrictor.


Attempting this on a weekend could prove to be a nightmare, both of the snakes are VERY busy on the weekends.

The nice things about buck and rail are that the BLM can't complain because it's not permanent, it's easy to make, it will keep the honest people honest just as well as a more permanent fence and it will be easier to fix when dill holes drive through it.


Well-Known Member
Meat_ said:
Attempting this on a weekend could prove to be a nightmare, both of the snakes are VERY busy on the weekends.

The nice things about buck and rail are that the BLM can't complain because it's not permanent, it's easy to make, it will keep the honest people honest just as well as a more permanent fence and it will be easier to fix when dill holes drive through it.
Have fun out there by yourself if you plan to do it on a weekday. Having busy trails can also work to our advantage ;)


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
if it was done on a weekend we could buck and rail the begining of the trail down by the tailings there will be enough vehicles and people to block the trail from somebody using it while we are doing are thing.

granted it would be the weekend and there is more traffic on the weekends but you also have to think of the reasons behind this.most have off and can help in such a project on a weekend vs a weekday


Well-Known Member
Badger said:
if it was done on a weekend we could buck and rail the begining of the trail down by the tailings there will be enough vehicles and people to block the trail from somebody using it while we are doing are thing.

granted it would be the weekend and there is more traffic on the weekends but you also have to think of the reasons behind this.most have off and can help in such a project on a weekend vs a weekday
Exactly, and it's a great time to make ourselves visible and educate people on Tread Lightly, BRC, U4, etc :)


I have no problem doing it myself :p

If we block off Constrictor on a weekend and tell people who just burnt $3 a gallon fuel to drive 30 to 100+ miles just so they could run RS and Con it could prove to make some people quite angry..... angry at the people present.... angry at RME


I run a tight ship... wreck
Meat_ said:
I have no problem doing it myself :p

If we block off Constrictor on a weekend and tell people who just burnt $3 a gallon fuel to drive 30 to 100+ miles just so they could run RS and Con it could prove to make some people quite angry..... angry at the people present.... angry at RME

Nah, keep the trails opened & ask those wheelin to help us fix the trail... see how much they like having stuff like this nearby. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think we should block anything off while we are doing it. Maybe for brief moments if necessary to get something done but I think it would be a good thing to be seen cleaning up the trails. Maybe people will get the idea that it's a group effort to keep our trails open (I know it wouldn't be that simple but even if we convince only a couple people :p ).


total tacoma points: 162
sounds like a good weekend. is there a good place to camp out there. i am thinking about camping fri, and sat, night and working on the trail on sat and sun. are we going to focus on the fences and cleaning up the trash, or is there more we could/should do? i know something was mentioned about removing all the loose rocks at the bottom of the eagles nest, to restore it to what it used to be.


total tacoma points: 162
what would we want the signs to say?
how many signs?
what size signs?
who will pay for the signs?

with some of these questions answered, someone could start to look into what it will take to get some signs made.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Greg said:
Ok, I'm going to toss out a date... June 10th. It's a month away, soon enough that it'll be fresh in out minds, yet far away enough that we can plan what we're going to do.

I work every other weekend, so that date will work for me. It's a Saturday, FYI.
bummer, bad weekend for me. Is the following weekend possible?


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
EKSJAE said:
what would we want the signs to say?
how many signs?
what size signs?
who will pay for the signs?

with some of these questions answered, someone could start to look into what it will take to get some signs made.

i would like to suggest a larger sign like Greg posted.but with the following on it
Name of the trail
Limitations of said trail
If we have sponsors from nurseries or any other listed on bottom
What ever local clubs/groups helped listed on bottom