Constrictor Restoration


Formerly WJ ZUK
Well I brought it up at tonights U4WDA, that a bypass block off and trail restoration should be revisited, only this time we should see it through. I relize this is a very sensitive subject, but I'm sure many of you will agree hopefully with the way I stand. My ideas are to block of the bypasses (whatever way is decided) and help reconstruct the trail especially in certain areas to become the 4-4+ rated trail it once was. I'm not talking dynamite here just helping build back up the areas that have been eroded by travel and bypasses to avoid the obsticles. Whats the thoughts


/climbs into Nomex® suit

I would like to see the road blocked off at the WW turn off making WW the gatekeeper for Constrictor....

If you can't make WW you don't belong on Constrictor


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
was always my thoughts.but the upper bypass around Wolverine still needs to be taken care this point its to easy to mistake it as the trail.


Registered User
I like the Idea of WW as the gate keeper.........which if that were to be we should install a winch anchor for that obsitcal as know people would start hooking trees and causing more damage.....


Formerly WJ ZUK
was always my thoughts.but the upper bypass around Wolverine still needs to be taken care this point its to easy to mistake it as the trail.

So whats the plan, I was almost leaning towards 10 foot wodden pillars post holed into the ground about 4 feet, and about 3 feet apart, that way people would know you weren't supposed to go there, but also that it wasn't an obstsicle like I'm sure rocks piled would. Plus they could be installed and removed with almost no unstained impact to the area
I would also like to say that right at WW on the left hand side I have seen people drive up that a few times. I am sure if you have been out there lately you would be able to see some signs of tracks. Not sure if this is something that needs to be addressed.


Well-Known Member
i think it all needs to be addressed... within a year that place has changed so much. go back two years and think about how much has changed.


Resident Thread Killer
So whats the plan, I was almost leaning towards 10 foot wodden pillars post holed into the ground about 4 feet, and about 3 feet apart, that way people would know you weren't supposed to go there, but also that it wasn't an obstsicle like I'm sure rocks piled would. Plus they could be installed and removed with almost no unstained impact to the area

Think strong and SHALLOW. Being one of the members that put the signs in a few years back, I can tell you right now that there is NO WAY you are going to post-hole anywhere up there 4 feet. The canyon is solid rock, and steep enough that runoff has kept the soil-erosion base in the bottom very shallow. Maybe if someone could come up with a concrete core drill, we could sink some posts into solid rock, but then I think 2 to 2 1/2 feet deep would be sufficient.

As for WW being the gatekeeper, I agree whole-heartedly, however I think you are going to have a hard time getting the BLM to allow us to close off the main trail. This was the original road into the canyon, so I don't know how they would feel about it even though it would help immensely at keeping the canyon in better shape.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
I would say do some reclimation - Instead of huge wooden posts drive a bunch of 1 inch rod into the ground 5 feet tall and 2 feet apart then plant some native plants and a sign in the middle with the history of constrictor.. this way it doesn't look like butt and still closes the bypass off and we can drive rod into the rock :)

I would bet if we made more of a reclimation effor in closing off the trail around Waynes world like I said before (and putting in an anchor at the top) that the BLM may be more willing to alow us to close it off-- also focusing on the fact that we would be lessening the amount of travel on the trail to only those that are capable...
Just my Opinion


I didn't mean to do that!
/climbs into Nomex® suit

I would like to see the road blocked off at the WW turn off making WW the gatekeeper for Constrictor....

If you can't make WW you don't belong on Constrictor

Why, you can just climb the new (Looks more used lately) bypass running up the left side of the Hill at WW. :mad2:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'm not sure WW is the best place to force the road. People wlll start tearing up the hill to get around (quads mainly, but 4x4's too) to the rest of the trail.

I'm all for restoring Con to it's former self by blocking off the bypass to what used to be the entrance and also around the eagles nest.

Also, moving some rocks around so the trail is no longer 10' wide and closer to the 3' it used to be would be cool.



Formerly WJ ZUK
I'm not sure WW is the best place to force the road. People wlll start tearing up the hill to get around (quads mainly, but 4x4's too) to the rest of the trail.

I'm all for restoring Con to it's former self by blocking off the bypass to what used to be the entrance and also around the eagles nest.

Also, moving some rocks around so the trail is no longer 10' wide and closer to the 3' it used to be would be cool.


Thats what my plan is, That big rock around radiator rapids comes to mind. I remember when you had to drive over it and know you can fit a fullsize around it:rolleyes:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
the first time I ran the trail (which was probably the 5-6th time it had ever been ran) it was nasty. Took a group of 5 of us 2 hours to get up--and my rig was the least set up. It was awesome nasty.

2 years later you could run it from start to finish in 5-10 minutes.

I'm not sure why I'm hesitant about making WW the entrance--partly because it originally wasn't the entrance, partly because I know people will terrorize that hillside, and partly because when that obstacle is wet, very few rigs can get up it. Could crawl any line imaginable in my old rig when it was dry--but in the rain I couldnt get up it to save my life.....

I can just see someone go up there and there is a puddle at the bottom or it's raining and they can't get up it but they know they could do the rest of the trail so they blast up the gully and go around......that would be bad.


Kris K

4x4 Addict!
Heber City, UT
the first time I ran the trail (which was probably the 5-6th time it had ever been ran) it was nasty. Took a group of 5 of us 2 hours to get up--and my rig was the least set up. It was awesome nasty.

2 years later you could run it from start to finish in 5-10 minutes.

I'm not sure why I'm hesitant about making WW the entrance--partly because it originally wasn't the entrance, partly because I know people will terrorize that hillside, and partly because when that obstacle is wet, very few rigs can get up it. Could crawl any line imaginable in my old rig when it was dry--but in the rain I couldnt get up it to save my life.....

I can just see someone go up there and there is a puddle at the bottom or it's raining and they can't get up it but they know they could do the rest of the trail so they blast up the gully and go around......that would be bad.


I agree,
I can do Constricture but i've never made it up WW. If WW was the start to Con it would weed out alot of people but, i think alot of people who don't care will make there own way to the start of Con.


Formerly WJ ZUK
I agree,
I can do Constricture but i've never made it up WW. If WW was the start to Con it would weed out alot of people but, i think alot of people who don't care will make there own way to the start of Con.

Yeah I don't think that making ww is the answer to the probelm, just too much space to patrol and work with, but the entrance to constrictor is a lot tighter and we can handle that much better to single out the unprepared. If you can't make the wolvernine or are scared to get your sh!t scratched your on the wrong trail