couple trib articles


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Holy cow, how weak is that first story!

"A little less than 70 responded. Slightly more than half of the respondents labeled OHV problems as "out of control,""

Amazing how much news 36 people can make.

I can't beleive they went to the press with this hollow "study".

But what is worse? How the Trib has parleyed this weak story into a sensationalized headline. "Feds Say"?!? Give me a break.

Everyone needs to post a comment and let the trib know this is a crock!


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So this is the article the Trib chooses to rebut the lame as peer article.?. I know for a fact that many people wrote in with well laid arguments about how bad the article was. That is just disapointing. Now I have to write an article about how they pick the weekest excuse article to re-but the weakest article. Lame.


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that is lame... no meat to it.

Not only no meat but they missed the point entirely. Bitching about government employees?!? Give me a break. How about something with substance. Like pointing out the the Survey failed to get 25% of respondents. And that maybe half said "out of control". 36 people :rolleyes:... I would bet that none are even in the west. I just can't get over the dishonesty that purveys the trib.


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OHV riders raise $25K to help fight $300 fine:

what ever happened with this guys day in court????:-\

They will string him out as long as they can. They did not expect us to have any organzation or money to fight this. But Canyon Country 4x4 and U4 have done a good job of raising awareness and funds for the fight.

This will be a landmark judgement. Keep your fingers crossed and donate some money (tax deduction for you).