Criminal who falsely bid on land auctions


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member

"Tim DeChristopher, environmental activist, will speak at 4 p.m. on Thursday in the Timpanogos Room of the UVU library. The event is part of the Utah Democracy Project."

That should be this coming Thursday 2/19

Not sure why this guy is not in jail yet. That is kind of a bad time for me to make it down there, but if I can get away I would be interested in what this clown has to say. Too bad he would not speak to the hundreds of people who were at the state capital.


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
I saw on the news that the attorney general was looking into if they were even going to prosecute this jerk or not... it all depends on if they are going to get something out of it or not...

So I guess all the people that are actually breaking laws that people are ok with prosecuting are going to jail but if its not ok by the people they will not....


Registered User
its late to get in on this, but everyone should call up the school and tell them how disgusted you are that they would promote criminal activity.
A call is worth more than an email, so do both. to email the president
and call Dr. Elizabeth Hitch - President of UVU
(801) 863-8133