I am one of those that has had great luck with optima's. I have had a total of 4 of them and only had one issue, that I don't think is the battery's fault. I love them because they don't corrode cables etc.
In the jeep I am stuck with them, unless I go back to a single battery, due to space of cramming 2 batteries under the hood with a york.
The pair I have in the jeep i had in the bronco, probably got them about 7 years ago. I have run them in parallel with no isolator, people have trail welded off of them a few times, I have run them as a single battery a few times.
In moab the one mounted on it's side leaked, I am pretty sure it over heated and some hood vents will take care of that problem.
The one in my super duty was purchased in December of 07 and is identical to the ones in the jeep and says "made in USA"
It seems your best bet is the Diehard Platinum though...
99 xj with stuff