Dayride to Monument Valley and back


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
With the days getting cooler and shorter, I've been feeling the rush to get in a couple more rides before the snow flies. This was a last minute trip, planned the evening before I left... just the way I like it! :D

I loaded up the bike for a day ride, but threw in some overnight stuff in case it got too dark or I decided to extend the trip. The destination was Monument Valley, on the UT/AZ border 260 miles away. On the way down, I decided to ride thru Valley of the Gods and up (then back down) the Moki Dugway. I left home just after 8 AM and the temps outside was high 30's... it was COLD! I was having a great time coming into Moab, thinking about a hot cup of coffee and wasn't watching my speed... but the UHP was watching it for me! :eek: 83 MPH in a 65... :rofl: I got a ticket for 10 over. :D


Quick cruise thru Valley of the Gods and up and down Moki Dugway...






Then onto Monument Valley... where the big KTM turned over 20k miles!





Riding thru Monument Valley was great, it's the perfect time of year to be down there... temps were ideal! I'm always in awe of the cars that are on that road, it has some pretty rough spots. High-end German cars, modern muscle cars, etc. I followed a late-model Mustang up one of the roughest parts, but decided to pass him as I needed momentum to get up the sandy ledges.

Then I took the same route back home, the ride over Blanding and Monticello was pretty chilly... very thankful for heated grips and warm weather riding gear. Got home in the dark at 8:30 PM and ended up with about 575 miles on the bike for the day, perfect for a day ride!


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Sweet ride and sick bike. Came out here in August and I'm still in awe of Utah.

Thanks, there is a lot to see... you better get started! :cool:

Great pictures. Sorry UHP decided to take interest in your ride also... ;)

No worries, I deserved a ticket... ;)

Nice ride. I know the Trooper who stopped you. He's a good kid.

He was great, no attitude about my speeding and towards the end of our encounter we were BS'ing about our past tickets. He seemed like one of the good ones, I was riding way too fast and earned my ticket.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Looks like a great day Greg. When I was down there last Saturday I must have seen 50 GS's. Great time of year to ride.

Missed you by a day! Yeah, there are a LOT of bikes on the road right now.... it's perfect riding conditions! May have to go somewhere again this weekend. ;)