Definitely worth reading: GOOD WORK!!!!


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member said:
Visiting public lands
Public Forum Letter
Article Last Updated:11/01/2006 06:43:33 PM MST

I am writing in response to Rob Pudim's revealing confession (Opinion, Oct. 27) of how he feels about "owning public lands." It really explains a lot and opens my eyes to his perspective (and that of those like him). Perhaps this is why so many so-called "environmentalists" don't like to share.
I own land and I know what that feels like. When I go on public land, I don't feel like I own it. I feel like I'm visiting and need to leave it nice for others, and that the next guy has just as much a right to visit it as I do. When I do see "the next guy" there isn't any "user conflict" because I know we're both enjoying it, regardless of how we got there.

Brett Davis

Way to go Maverick!!!!