Did something different with the Jeeps


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
Yesterday we got a chance to take our old rancher friends son up to the highest peak on their ranch and bury his dad's ashes. The road wasn't too difficult with the Jeeps but very steep and overgrown. For the last 20 years he had told his son he wanted to be buried on the top of his favorite peak. His wife told the son not to bother. The rancher and his wife ended up passing within weeks of each other and the son was set on fulfilling his dad's wish. It was quite different than most burials that I have gone to where everything is done for you. We dug the hole placed his ashes in and filled it back up. We then piled rocks on top for a monument. We then took turns telling stories of our experiences with our old friend. I have known him for over 60 years so there were lots of fun stories. I'll have to get some pictures from those with cameras. All in all a great Jeep ride and a very different but nice experience. A shot on the way to the peak.GBpeak.jpeg
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