DirtBike ride this saturday 15th up in AF canyon


Active Member
Orem, Ut
Hey guys my brother just called me and he told me that where going to ride Saturday morning, will be meeting at the chevron gas station at 8AM and will be back down around 11AM or 12, the trail is all single trail and a few switch backs. fun trail, i dont know what the trail is called but its a really fun trail. there's going to be like 6 of us already going for sure, LMK if your interested, the more people the funner and more intense the ride is.

when: This Saturday, 15th
time and meet: the Chevron gas station at 8:00 AM


Active Member
Orem, Ut
Awesome trip report guys!

haha right.... Naah it was fun, it was a quick ride, well it felt that way but we got there at like 8:30 and finished at 11:00AM. Only me and my brother and his friend went. there was alot of people on the trail though, witch was sketchy in some parts cause its all single trail.