divorce and real estate attorney suggestions?


My best friend is going through a divorce and needs to talk to an attorney. He hasn't talked to one yet, but I think he should and want to suggest one to him. Any suggestions? Also, my previous landlord is trying to screw my wife and I on some property taxes...long story. Anybody here a lawyer or know one or know a lot about real estate law?




Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
If you provide the ski mask I'll bet we can find someone to kick your previous landlord right in the baby-maker. (Kidding).

Divorce sucks, unless his soon-to-be ex-wife won't work with him or they have crazy custody stuff, I would convince him to use a mediator.
They are much cheaper and it ends up being a MUCH smoother process. (At least according to my 5 times married and divorced uncle).


Active Member
Midland, TX
I got divorced last year. My ex and I didn't really have anything to split up, so we didn't use a lawyer. If the mediator doesn't work, it's best to get an aggressive lawyer. when my ex found out I was getting remarried she flipped out and made up a bunch of garbage out me stalking her and how I used to beat her and stuff like that. I got a lawyer and he said that it was all garbage, but he wasn't aggressive about getting rid of the protective order at all, he was way too willing to make deals. Had he been more aggressive, I could have gotten some financial compensation out of the deal, but instead we took a deal and the whole thing got dropped.


You guys are in Lehi right? Brett Anderson trust me he's damn good. Not cheap, but damn good. I met with him this afternoon. I have used him a lot. Anderson and Rogers next to the freeway off ramp. I have dealt with Chris (Rogers) too. Very good also.


Well-Known Member
little off topic, but your landlord is trying to get you to pay property tax? I have a lawyer I worked with for my wife and I living will, I know he does other stuff to but he is up in salt lake, that other guy is a lot closer for you but if you want my guys number just let me know. If he can't do it he will have someone in his office who can, great guy to work with but is $350 a hour