Lately, Roofing has been super slammed, StealthGear is growing like crazy, I'm trying to remodel my new house, and my kids have been sick for like a month. I need a vacation. I went snow-shoeing up to a Yert a couple weekends ago which was awesome, but there was cell reception way up there. :-\ It seems I can never get away from work. I literally worry as I'm trying to fall asleep about what I've forgotten to do that day and who I'll have to apologize to in the morning. If I could pause time, I estimate that I have around 3 weeks of full time catch-up stuff to do that would only get me to a point of going crazy with current 24/7 work instead of current/last week's/last month's catch-up. end rant. Anybody else? I'll probably check back here in around a week when I come up for air....peace.