Do you know who supports the Red Rock Wilderness Bill??????


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Here's the current list of Co-Sponsors (note that the little D=Democrat, R=Republican, I=Independent.
At least President-Elect O'bama hasn't signed on as a Co-Sponsor.....but now he has the magic pen and the Antiquities Act at his disposal.


Raul Grijalva, D-07

Mike Thompson, D-01
Doris Matsui, D-05
Lynn C. Woolsey, D-06
George Miller, D-07
Barbara Lee, D-09
Ellen O. Tauscher, D-10
Gerald McNerney, D-11
Tom Lantos, D-12
Fortney Pete Stark, D-13
Anna G. Eshoo, D-C14
Michael M. Honda, D-15
Zoe Lofgren, D-16
Sam Farr, D-17
Lois Capps, D-23
Brad Sherman, D-27
Howard L. Berman, D-28
Adam B. Schiff, D-29
Henry A. Waxman, D-30
Xavier Becerra, D-31
Hilda L. Solis, D-32
Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-34
Maxine Waters, D-35
Jane Harman, D-36
Juanita Millender-McDonald, D-37
Grace F. Napolitano, D-38
Linda T. Sanchez, D-39
Loretta Sanchez, D-47
Bob Filner, D-51
Susan A. Davis, D-53

Diana DeGette, D-01
Mark Udall, D-02
Ed Perlmutter, D-07

John Larson, D-01
Joseph Courtney, D-02
Rosa DeLauro, D-03
Christopher Shays, R-04
Christopher Murphy, D-05

District of Columbia
Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC

Corrine Brown, D-03
Robert Wexler, D-19
Alcee Hastings, D-23

Hank Johnson, D-04
John Lewis, D-05
Jim Marshall, D-08
John Barrow D-12
David Scott, D-13

Mazie Hirono, D-02

Bobby L. Rush D-01
Jesse L. Jackson Jr., D-02
Daniel Lipinski, D-03
Luis V. Gutierrez, D-04
Rahm I. Emanuel, D-05
Danny Davis, D-07
Janice D. Schakowsky, D-09
Mark Steven Kirk, R-10
Jerry F. Costello, D-12
Judy Biggert, R-13
Timothy V. Johnson, R-15
Phil Hare, D-17
Ray LaHood, R-18

Andre Carson D-07
Baron Hill D-09

Bruce Braley D-01
Leonard Boswell D-03

John Yarmuth, D-03
Ben Chandler D-06

William Jefferson, D-02

Thomas Allen, D-01
Michael Michaud, D-02

Albert Russell Wynn, D-04
Elijah E. Cummings, D-07
Chris Van Hollen, D-08

John W. Olver, D-01
Richard E. Neal, D-02
James P. McGovern, D-03
Barney Frank, D-04
Martin Meehan, D-05
John F. Tierney, D-06
Edward J. Markey, D-07
Michael E. Capuano, D-08
Stephen F. Lynch, D-09
William D. Delahunt, D-10

Dale Kildee, D-05
Sander Levin, D-12
Carolyn Kilpatrick, D-13
John Conyers, D-14

America's Red Rock Wilderness Act, S. 1170
Sponsored by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL)


Barbara Boxer, D-CA

Joseph Lieberman, I-CT

Richard Durbin, D-IL

Evan Bayh, D-IN

Tom Harkin, D-IA

Benjamin Cardin, D-MD

Edward Kennedy, D-MA
John Kerry, D-MA

Deborah Stabenow, D-MI

New Jersey
Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ
Robert Menendez, D-NJ

New York
Charles Schumer, D-NY
Hillary Clinton, D-NY

Sherrod Brown, D-OH

Rhode Island
Jack Reed, D-RI
Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI

Patrick Leahy, D-VT
Bernie Sanders, I-VT

Maria Cantwell, D-WA

Russell Feingold, D-WI


I run a tight ship... wreck
That's just plain scary... I bet 95% of those people have never even been to Moab, let alone explored the amazing area surrounding it. And yet they all want to 'save' it. :rolleyes:


Formerly WJ ZUK
Almost all Democrats, and people wonder why we are worried about a democratic President:rolleyes:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Typical (@$&#@%$!@ leftist BS thinking-- "it's just that they know so much that isn't so", to quote Reagan.

STATES RIGHTS damnit. Enough National Parks and Monuments have been safeguarded. :mad:


I run a tight ship... wreck
What does the antiquities act have to do with anything? Im confused...

It's been used in the past for massive land grabs by a Democratic President.

Oh, and under what adminstration did they close a majority of the trails in Moab?

Greg said:
I take it you're not familiar with the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument? Clinton created 1.9 Million acres of Wilderness in Southern UT. And he made the dedication from Arizona, because NOBODY in Utah's government supported the idea. Clinton did this under the guise of the Antiquities Act, which is meant to preserve Native American ruins and artifacts. Really, who is going to hike to see 1.9 Million acres of land? Not me... you?

The Antiquities Act was supposed to preserve small sites, not Millions of acres of land. Clinton bent over UT and didn't even have the Balls to hold the designation in the actual state that it effected.



Registered User
Okay, now Im even more confused.. antiquities act of 1906? This is the one that defines anything over 50 years old as an archeological item and prevents the public at large from touching it??
How does this tie into land grabs?

And not that Im supporting either party, but what does the democratic party have to do with it? Seems like most of the big land grabs (Zions, Grand Canyon, Mojave Desert, etc) were done regardless of the party in office.

IMNTBHO - Doesnt matter what party is in power, it matters how much noise you can make. Politicians get elected on popularity. Give one an idea that his or her policies are not popular with the public and publicize that, and suddenly they cater to that party. Look at SUWA, there isnt a lot of them out there, but they make a lot of noise, and they are a combined group.
The power starts to come when you take the egos out of the equation. look at how many off road groups there are out there, and sure they all "work together" but if they were all a combined entity their power and influence would be magnified exponentially.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Okay, now Im even more confused.. antiquities act of 1906? This is the one that defines anything over 50 years old as an archeological item and prevents the public at large from touching it??
How does this tie into land grabs?

Yes, the same Antiquities Act of 1906. You it the nail on the head, how does this tie in to land grabs? Good question, I'd love to hear how Clinton managed to designate 1.9 Million acres of land as Wilderness under the Antiquities Act.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
In simple terms, Congress designates wilderness and the president will designate a monument. For the Red Rock Wilderness bill to be enacted it has to go through congress. However the president can designate an area as a monument like Clinton did with the Grand Staircase.

It is through the Antiquities act that the president has the authority to do this. Historically, most areas that have been designated as a monument as a president have gone on to become national parks.....Zions is one of them. The other thing is that monument do not preclude things from becoming wilderness. A portion of the RRW bill is contained within the Grand Staircase Escalante.

So, in essence, the new president could designate a large area as a monument to protect it from development of energy. This would also eliminate motorized recreation. The Clinton land grab kept the development of a large and easily accessible clean coal reserve. His legacy with the greenies.

Does this make it clear as mud????????


Toyota jihad
Casper, Wyoming
Yeah not a single one of those states is remotely close to us. How do all of those people have the power to do something they know nothing about and exersize power over us? Oooh it burns me up!
We're talking about federal land. Locals and non-locals have the same input. This bill has been proposed in the last 9 (more?) Congresses. Let's not sensationalize for fundraising. It's a concern, but we probably won't see it pass anytime soon. The much bigger fear is withdrawal through executive order (ala Clinton and GSENM) as mentioned. Both scenarios are potential threats.