Dodge plow truck redeemed itself- pulled out a semi


Well-Known Member
Cedar Hills
So the stupid Dodge plow truck that I got stuck last night (cubanb pulled me out) just redeemed itself. We had a chemical delivery today and the guy took forever to pump it into our tanks (4500 gallons), so he didn't leave until after six--when everything had frozen again.

I'm watching him on the security camera and I can see he's slowing down coming up the hill on the side of the plant. Then I see the truck bouncing. He locks in his differentials-- more bouncing. Then he tries to back down the hill and buries his trailer in a pile of snow.

I walk out there and he asks if I can give him a push. So I go get the 3/4 ton Dodge plow truck and hook up a yank strap. I gave him a couple good yanks and he starts moving. I pulled a few more times and then just kept roasting the tires till they melted through the ice. Finally dragged that semi up to the top of the hill.

Now I have a wee bit more respect for the Dodge. I would have used my Ford, but it probably would have torn the tow hooks off the semi's frame. I've got way too much power for pulling out 60k pound semis.

Actually I figured I'd rather break the companies junk than mine. Plus the dodge has a D60/D70 setup. I figured that would hold up better that my aluminum cased 8.8.
Actually I figured I'd rather break the companies junk than mine. Plus the dodge has a D60/D70 setup. I figured that would hold up better that my aluminum cased 8.8.

Did you know your boss is on RME? ;)

Pulling out big trucks is cool. I pulled out a RedBull truck last winter.

I remember many moons ago (90ish) I was going up 9400 south, just below 1300 east. There was a semi truck in front of me. Roads were snowpacked, etc. Traffic moving at a total crawl. The truck stopped moving. I could see that he was spinning. I was right behind him anyway, so I slowly got up behind his back trailer bumper thing (I was in a beater blazer) and started pushing. It got him moving enough to keep going. I wonder if he ever knew he got pushed.


Well-Known Member
Cedar Hills
Yeah, I wished I could have got it on camera, but I was the only one on shift. Pics or it didn't happen right?

I'm pretty sure my boss doesn't get on RME, so I think I'm safe.