Don't know what to think?


Twin Falls
I really don't know what to think or do. I ordered new Dana 60's from Currie over 6 weeks ago and still nothing, plus I paid them in full (not the right then to do). What really has me worried is that 2 of my friends ordered Currie axles and when they came they were not what they ordered. Wrong brackets (Currie sent him the right ones but he had to do the change), no truss, other stuff and they took 8 weeks to get. Has anyone else had these issues with Currie. I am leaning towards cancelling the order. If they're this bad when I haven't even got them yet, I wonder how they will be if there in a warranty issue?
Currie is a stand up company, but it sounds like there are some communication problems. My guess is they've been concentrating on KOH and not business. Call them and talk to them. Find out specifics. You should be able to work it out.

If not, cancel and buy a Tera axle.
I agree. If they can't communicate with you a little better, hit up Teraflex. Tell them RME sent you. ;)
There is no thinking about it, you need to call them ASAP before it is too late to reclaim your money. And if your friends had serious issues, why would you even consider buying from Currie? And KOH or not, there is no excuse to not communicate with a buyer who has sent you thousands of dollars!
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cant Imagine Currie doing this, theve been building axles since before anyone thought of building custom axles..but who knows, ive heard good things about tera60's.