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Because they're uneducated on the harm they are doing.
Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I think it's more likely that most don't care.
I don't understand the appeal, myself. Simple pleasures for simple minds, I guess, but why do they have to come up in my mountains to do it?
Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I think it's more likely that most don't care.
I don't understand the appeal, myself. Simple pleasures for simple minds, I guess, but why do they have to come up in OUR mountains to do it?
I do not know this area is it clearly posted to not cross the water?
Clearly is an understatement . There's carsonite posts every 15 yards or so around the circumference of the "lake" - it's not a lake, really just a big muddy puddle, a glacier scoop in the bottom of a little valley. It'd be a lot less muddy and a lot more pretty if Cletus and Jethro weren't using it as their own personal mudpit though.
Pointing your truck at a patch of muddy water and pinning the throttle is about as simple as it gets, but if that's what floats your boat and you're doing it somewhere nobody cares, great. The people I'm calling simple are the ones who can't get it through their head that trashing common areas is not ok. I'm a noob when it comes to wheeling and I'll make no bones about it - five years ago I barely knew what 4wd was, and all my exploring was on foot from paved trailheads. Discovering what 4wd could do in terms of opening up new explorations was a revelation, and discovering how much fun it was in itself was even better. Browsing old threads on the forum and listening to the veterans talk, you discover a lot of places that you're not allowed to drive your truck anymore, in large part because a pack of buttheads didn't know when to keep it on the trail. That's annoying, and the idea that future noobs might not get to drive a cool little trail like Forest Lake because some jackwagon decided to drive over a carsonite post so he could thrash in the mud is just as frustrating. Sorry if I come off like an opinionated dick, but I guess that's what I am. A big part of wheeling for me is enjoying the country that I'm driving through, and I respect that country so that others can enjoy it to. Anybody whose idea of enjoying public land involves screwing it up for the next guy is a jerk.
Sorry if I come off like an opinionated dick, but I guess that's what I am. A big part of wheeling for me is enjoying the country that I'm driving through, and I respect that country so that others can enjoy it to. Anybody whose idea of enjoying public land involves screwing it up for the next guy is a jerk.
If you or anyone else believes the reason we cannot recreate where we once did is because of abuse is crazy. It's not a punishment (well it is but...) - It is a power struggle, it is an agenda and the propaganda used is someone crossing a steam and hurting a salamander or what ever they create. When was the last time a trail was opened because of good behavior? There are jerks in every group. I have backpacked into places where trash was left. Hikers, backpackers, non-motorized recreationists don't have the moral card or superiority they claim.
Making us all look bad by being an idiot is terrible but crossing water reasonably isn't. And we will never "work" our way into the hearts of the agenda driven environmentalists to the point that trails are opened and not closed. It doesn't follow the agenda.
Boy, I hope that made sense.....
No, he was pretty cool about it. I think he could tell we were genuinely embarrassed.Did you get a ticket?
He is a whole thread on good behavior opening trails.
The only part that came off as an opinionated dick to me was when you laid claim on public land. IMO this is no different than and of the land grabber groups claiming land in the name of any cause. Its our choice on how we educate people to respect the land. They have a choice if they care about your opinion. Them disrespecting your belief is no different than you disrespecting the belief of some that all off road vehicles should be banned from public land.
I don't disagree that if they knowingly went into closed area they are in the wrong. But Im guessing better results could be had seeing where the photo came from and contacting them directly about the issue than posting negative crap about people that wont even see it here.
This is no different IMO than the 15 house wife's in my neighborhood posting on face book all week about people speeding. We know who they are if you have a problem with them go to their house, call them up send them a text or what ever but whistle blowing behind their back on the internet doesn't fix anything. If you see something say something.
I have gone off trail several times in my life for different reasons. I have never done so with the intent of vandalism or destruction but none the less I knowingly made a choice. IF someone contacted me and explained why I did was wrong I would be far more likely to rethink my actions the next time around. But running across something like this on the internet Where people where calling me simple minded and stupid and saying Im not welcome on their public land I would be far more likely to punch them if I ever ran across them on the trail than give two shits to what they think.