Eagles Nest illegal bypass


Registered User
cruiseroutfit said:
I personally don't care who's name rides on the project.
Its not about placing a name. Who cares in the end? Lets get the trail fixed, get with the BLM to make it legit and go from there... .

Well said.

And now a coment from the 'newbie' point of view...make the correct trail and other protective work as clear as possible. Remember everyone drives it for the "first time" at some point (although ideally with someone who knows the trail).

The fence is a great idea and along with signs should help.

I would also suggest with the anchor point you need to make it obvious. Of course a more natural look is prettier, but if people can't find it (esp those who don't know it is there), it won't get used.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Let's not get petty. Who cares who gets "credit" for fixing the trail? Right now we have a lot of talk. If the U4WDA can help us transform that talk into action, awesome! Thanks for the help. It sounds like the BLM needs to know what we're doing, and U4WDA has an existing relationship with them to help get this project pushed through. We have two distinct projects. Install a winch point (IMHO the top priority), and install fences to block the two major bypasses and direct traffic through the correct route. Buck and pole fencing seems to be the only viable option. Yes, it's going to get ripped down, and yes, we will put it back up. Eventually maybe we can get people to respect the route. I think some simple signs (printed sheets laminated and stapled to the fence) describing why the fence is there and who put it there, would help a lot to pound it through people's thick skulls that the fence needs to be respected.

I'm sure when EZ does the writeup for the Compass he will give credit where credit is due. ;)


formerly "rckcrlr"
I just have to say that, that recent pic of the nest litterally makes me sick. I have not been up there for almost 2 years....I would not have recognized it.
It is very very sad to see what has happened. I have seen it happen all over Moab as well, but it never stops making me sick and angry.
The sad truth is we have no one to blame but ourselves....Take responsibility for yourself and call people on it when they don't do the same. If we don't police ourselves, the BLM and SUWA will! We WILL be shut out!!


Well-Known Member
trees, trees

I think that we are both after the same thing here Badger, so I don't see the point in fighting about it, but I wanted to point out the tree that we have used so you would understand what I am talking about. That tree is about 12" in diameter.

I am trying to recall, but it seems to me that the rebar at Upper Hell. is only about 5/8" or so, not very big at all. I a sure a piece 3/4" would work well wouldn't it?
Also, I asked before if anyone knew the type of rock around Eagles Nest, it does seem to me that it breaks pretty easy, like a shale does. If it doesn't hold, someone will get the ride of their life:eek: :eek:
I think a weekday would be better too. If Hickey hasn't gone yet, I hope he will check out the rock to see if it looks like it would hold up to a drilling without breaking.


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Crinco said:
I think that we are both after the same thing here Badger, so I don't see the point in fighting about it, but I wanted to point out the tree that we have used so you would understand what I am talking about. That tree is about 12" in diameter.

I am trying to recall, but it seems to me that the rebar at Upper Hell. is only about 5/8" or so, not very big at all. I a sure a piece 3/4" would work well wouldn't it?
Also, I asked before if anyone knew the type of rock around Eagles Nest, it does seem to me that it breaks pretty easy, like a shale does. If it doesn't hold, someone will get the ride of their life:eek: :eek:
I think a weekday would be better too. If Hickey hasn't gone yet, I hope he will check out the rock to see if it looks like it would hold up to a drilling without breaking.

I think that pic is decieving you, the tree you circled in that pic is actually quite a bit up the trail.....


As far as getting the equipment to the nest, it would be a lot easier to bring it down from the top.

waynehartwig said:
I spelled it the same way you did! Go back and read your post...:p :p Give me crap...;)


/me typoist

Hickey said:
..I also think it would be a good idea to install the anchor point on a weekday, maybe early in the week. This would give the concrete some time to set up.
I agree. Weekdays are better for me anyway :)


formerly "rckcrlr"
Meat_ said:
As far as getting the equipment to the nest, it would be a lot easier to bring it down from the top.

I can probably get my tow rig fairly close either way....a long bed can carry what ever we need.;)
Just might have to back out:D


Mead, WA
I don't know if it would help, but I have lots of axles laying about... ~1.75"x30". They should be really strong for winching off of...And since they are rears, they would have the wheel flange on them to keep the strap around the base and from slipping off. Just need a large bit....:-\


rckcrlr said:
I can probably get my tow rig fairly close either way....a long bed can carry what ever we need.;)
Just might have to back out:D

There is also a trail on top of the ridge to the East that ends directily above the nest.

I can take out the back seat in my Blazer and run stuff back and forth from the top.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
If a 2' square hole could be dug say about 3' deep. You could pour a small 2'X2' pad with horizontal rebar. Then add vertical rebar attaching that to the horizontal rebar and the anchor point. Then surround the vertical rebar with a 8" sonotude. Now this is all dependent on the ground, but if there are some jack hammers that came be used this could be a good solid anchor point. I would also do it on a Monday and leave a sign on it saying not to use it for a week (from this date to that date)..


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
some more pics of the area

looking at the eagles nest

looking down at the entrence of eagles nest

looking down from the winch tree

material under the tree
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Well-Known Member
Wow, not much there to drill into, is there?
How far down is the rock under that soil(under the tree)?


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Shawn said:
If a 2' square hole could be dug say about 3' deep. You could pour a small 2'X2' pad with horizontal rebar. Then add vertical rebar attaching that to the horizontal rebar and the anchor point. Then surround the vertical rebar with a 8" sonotude. Now this is all dependent on the ground, but if there are some jack hammers that came be used this could be a good solid anchor point. I would also do it on a Monday and leave a sign on it saying not to use it for a week (from this date to that date)..
ok... so.........?


Registered User
We could

Shawn said:
This is the same type for structual support we built for my deck, I think it would work out well and there will only be an 8" cement cap showing on the top.

Set it deeper so only the rebar or whatever we use is all that is showing. I think a big sonnet tube really deep would be the answer. (Unless we hit rock.)