Eagles Nest illegal bypass


Registered User
I also vote for the Buck and Rail fence. Not too offensive to look at, easily repaired. Sure, it will get torn down by a-holes from time to time. But, every one of us who wheels out there could take a few minutes and repair it when it happens. Maybe after a while people would get the hint and leave it be. Maybe in conjunction with some signage and some revegetation behind the fence it would become effective. It's a place to start. The trail is going to take some maintenance to keep it close to the way it was intended to be. I'm willing to step up and do my part to help out.


Mead, WA
Meat_ said:
The fence on the Forest Lake trail died an early death because it was down hill from a mud bog. This would be at the top of a hill (on Wolverine) and up hilll on a steep slick rock incline....

and it's Buck :p or sometimes (by the people who install mile upon mile of it) it starts with an F
I spelled it the same way you did! Go back and read your post...:p :p Give me crap...;)

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Cherokeester said:
Sure! Because someone who has a few multi thousand posts on some internet site makes you some kind of trail boss? Or start bashing people for they way they run a trail? I would hope most of us here abide by some kind of trail ethics. Don't litter, crap, or other wise leave junk on the trail. Don't drive off the trail because it is too hard etc. But to bash someones rig just cuz? WTH? Focus on the trail repairs. It is apparent as this hobby continues to grow we will have more problems. How do we approach solving them? I tell you what, I am no trail whore. I don't need new trails made out of atv trails. Maybe making con a jeep trail was the first mistake. Who knows?:confused:

Edit: BTW, nice job mutilating the tree just to winch up a few more feet!!!
nice to see you did your research before you ran off at the mouth:rolleyes:


Registered User
Shawn said:
We have talked about the winch point many times before. It is needed or we would not be having this conversation. My question here is, with all these members, does anyone have access to the type of equipment we need to drill a hole? Let alone get the equipment up the trail. Please speak up if you do.

I have a hammer drill and some epoxy. Might be able to come up with some rebar too. Would just need a generator to run the hammer drill. In one of the posts above Richpblaze said he had a hammer drill too. I don't see why we couldn't do something similar to the one on Upper Helldorado.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
i still don't understand how you can associate the damamge done to the left of the tree from people walking up hill to attach a winch to the tree.

this is the tree used by all

this is looking down to the water fall from said tree

so why would there be any damage to the right of the last pic which is to the left of the tree when looking at it from the front.there isn't any.you walk straight up the trail to get to the tree so i still don't understand what you are talking about with people walking up the hill to attach a winch cable.

i'm not here to try and figure out why it has been rapped so hard but to find a way to keep it from happening further so i can continue to use the trail in the future


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
I have serious doubts about the rock splitting if we drill and install directly into the rock. It seems to me that the rock in that area fractures and cleaves quite easily. I am going to take a drive out there today and take some pics, do a little digging.

I also think it would be a good idea to install the anchor point on a weekday, maybe early in the week. This would give the concrete some time to set up.


Registered User
Hickey said:
I have serious doubts about the rock splitting if we drill and install directly into the rock. It seems to me that the rock in that area fractures and cleaves quite easily. I am going to take a drive out there today and take some pics, do a little digging.

I also think it would be a good idea to install the anchor point on a weekday, maybe early in the week. This would give the concrete some time to set up.

The rock would probably hold just fine. That's the beauty of using epoxy. The type I have cures to full strength in 2 hours at 32 degrees, less time the warmer it is. Weekday would be nice, but I'm only available on weekends. I don't think it would be that tough to install an anchor. The largest bit I have for my hammer drill is 1-1/8" though, so we would need something 1" in diameter or less. I still think that would be strong enough.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
DToy said:
The rock would probably hold just fine. That's the beauty of using epoxy. The type I have cures to full strength in 2 hours at 32 degrees, less time the warmer it is. Weekday would be nice, but I'm only available on weekends. I don't think it would be that tough to install an anchor. The largest bit I have for my hammer drill is 1-1/8" though, so we would need something 1" in diameter or less. I still think that would be strong enough.

I've got an old torsion bar off an IFS Chev. It's about 3.5' long. If we welded something to the top of that, that might work pretty good. I'll put the calipers to it, but I bet it's about 1.25" or so.


Silently judging you.
Sounds like there is plenty of need for this project, and plenty of people willing to work on it. I would be happy to have this project be the "official" U4WDA service project for the second quarter, sponsored by RME.

I'll head things up from the U4 side, and contact the BLM for meetings, etc. Having not run constrictor, I would need to rely on the RME members to come up with the correct plan, and course of action for the project. Once this is decided upon, we can meet with the BLM and make our presentation.

There are a lot of good ideas in the thread, we need to decide which ones to focus on for the project, and then get going.

Make sense? If so, I'll start a volunteer thread in the U4 section, and begin to work with whoever it makes sense to work with from RME on the details.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
xiero said:
Sounds like there is plenty of need for this project, and plenty of people willing to work on it. I would be happy to have this project be the "official" U4WDA service project for the second quarter, sponsored by RME.

I'll head things up from the U4 side, and contact the BLM for meetings, etc. Having not run constrictor, I would need to rely on the RME members to come up with the correct plan, and course of action for the project. Once this is decided upon, we can meet with the BLM and make our presentation.

There are a lot of good ideas in the thread, we need to decide which ones to focus on for the project, and then get going.

Make sense? If so, I'll start a volunteer thread in the U4 section, and begin to work with whoever it makes sense to work with from RME on the details.


Way to take the bull by the horns, Jason :D


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
xiero said:
I would be happy to have this project be the "official" U4WDA service project for the second quarter, sponsored by RME.

Why is it that every time RME comes up with an idea on how to improve something, someone from the U4WDA wants to make it an "official" U4WDA project? I think it is cool and all, but this is a "RME Official" project and maybe it should be sponsored by the U4WDA....

Go ahead and flame away, but quit trying to steal the glory.


Silently judging you.
Symantics. That is EXACTLY what I meant - in my eyes, the sponsor is the entity that came up with the project, plans it, and executes. The U4 is simply a support mechanism. I'm sponsor agnostic, pro-project. My board position with the U4 is to serve as the "volunteer coordinator", and I simply see this as an opportunity for EVERYONE to do some good.

Do with it what you want, we're here to help. My intent is not to take control. If you don't want the U4 support, just say so, that is why I posed it as a question.

If I'm not mistaken, we all want the same thing here. I represent EVERYONE on the trails, and want to improve things. If RME wants the U4 to step aside, and bask in the glory, so be it. If we can help, let us know.


Silently judging you.
Shawn said:

Why is it that every time RME comes up with an idea on how to improve something, someone from the U4WDA wants to make it an "official" U4WDA project?

Oh, and I was just voted into this position last month. I won't presume to apologize for the U4 stealing past projects, but if this is the consensus at RME, I won't "steal" any more projects. U4 aside, I'll certainly show up to help. I started building a rig last year to run trails like Constrictor, and anything I can do to ensure it's around and still a 5 when I'm finished, I'll be there.

Just looking to make a difference... :)


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
xiero said:
Oh, and I was just voted into this position last month. I won't presume to apologize for the U4 stealing past projects, but if this is the consensus at RME, I won't "steal" any more projects. U4 aside, I'll certainly show up to help. I started building a rig last year to run trails like Constrictor, and anything I can do to ensure it's around and still a 5 when I'm finished, I'll be there.

Just looking to make a difference... :)
You are reading into things. Show your support by supporting not trying to make it an official U4WDA event. It is already a Official RME event. Just back up RME.

Thats all..


Sandy, Ut
Hijack for a minute...

Thanks to Jason for coming in on this. The U4WDA isn't here to steal any credit, credit goes where credit is due, it always will. Rather Jason was voted into our new "Landuse/Service Project/Land Rep Liason Representative" Position. We need (and RME needs to) someone that keeps contacts with the land managers (be it BLM, Forest Service, etc.) all over the state. We need a organized front. Daynene and I have great contacts with the 5MPRA BLM folks and have chatted with them on a regular basis for the past years. We get regular emails, solicitations for help, etc. Allen Taylor and I have a similar situation with the AF canyon (PG) Forest Service... but we are not an organize front. As much as I would like to say the BLM is familiar with RME, they probably are not... however they do have an existing relationship with the U4WDA and it makes it ALOT easier to get the OK and blessing for projects like this.

Many of the active U4 members are active RME members too... Its not always about credit, sometimes its just about covering our asses for the future.


Silently judging you.
Shawn said:
You are reading into things. Show your support by supporting not trying to make it an official U4WDA event. It is already a Official RME event. Just back up RME.

Thats all..

Fair enough. Looking forward to this project.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
cruiseroutfit said:
Many of the active U4 members are active RME members too... Its not always about credit, sometimes its just about covering our asses for the future.
I see.... :rolleyes: So what you are saying is, that every time a project like this comes up, it should apear that is originated from the U4WDA?

cool.... I guess...

I'm done Hi-jacking, just trying to figure out why.... If that post by xeiro would have been worded just a little differently I would not have said a thing. It just apeared that U4WDA was trying to place there name on this RME project.


Sandy, Ut
Shawn said:
I see.... :rolleyes: So what you are saying is, that every time a project like this comes up, it should apear that is originated from the U4WDA?

cool.... I guess...

I'm done Hi-jacking, just trying to figure out why.... If that post by xeiro would have been worded just a little differently I would not have said a thing. It just apeared that U4WDA was trying to place there name on this RME project.

It doesn't have to "come" from the U4WDA, but surely one of our member clubs (RME) would be glad to make the "organized front" appear all the stonger. Why do you think SUWA sounds so powerful, because all their lemmings are willing to out up the front. Usa-All would be nothing if every user group tried to fight their own battles (like tried & failed in the past)

I personally don't care who's name rides on the project. Jason has been asked to coordinate (meaning do all the pre-planning on legwork to make these things happen) on behalf of the U4WDA and its member clubs (such as RME). He and a couple others have made a personaly goal of arranging 4 projects this year with member clubs (UOOC/U4WDA fence project in Vernon is #1). Its not about placing a name. Who cares in the end? Lets get the trail fixed, get with the BLM to make it legit and go from there... If you want his help, fine... if not Jason can work with another willing member club to help them get a project lined up for the year, simple as that.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
This discussion about who owns the project reminds me of a hunting trip quite a few years ago. We were out bird hunting with three good dogs and at lunch we gave our dog a big juicy piece of meat. One of the younger dogs thought that it wanted a piece of the meat too so it came over and tried to get a piece. A big dog fight errupted and while the two dogs were fighting the third dog walked calmly over and swiped the piece of meat.
We all want the same thing namely keeping our trails open, so who cares who's project it is ? Lets work together and fix things up before the "other dog" steals our piece of meat.