ECPLC Meeting - March 2nd


somewhat damaged
Quoted from email

With Emery County moving forward with their idea to create a "grass roots" Emery County Public Lands Use Bill which will ask Congress to make law many things pertaining to public land use in Emery County (including Wilderness designations), I am inviting any members of the public to attend the next meeting of the Emery County Public Lands Council.
To their credit, the anti-everything groups such as SUWA, Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, etc. have been participating in these meetings and field trips for a year now.
The "multiple use" proponents of the debate has been much less involved (our own fault) and it is reflected in the attitude and actions being taken by Emery County government officials.
I encourage you to attend the next Emery County Public Lands meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, March 2nd at 10:00 AM in the old courthouse building located on Main Street in Castle Dale.
This is a public process, discussed during public meetings concerning public lands.
But, if the only public opinion being heard is from the SEWERats then the outcome of this process is going to be tainted.
Hope to see you there,
Alan J. Peterson