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Registered User
Arm Utah
Woohooo, that was fun.

I have just learned about the proposed management plans for 11 million acres of public land in Utah, and I am extremely pleased to see this finally happening.
As a person approaching later years I need access to these beautiful places without having to hike for miles. I have friends that are disabled that also enjoy these places and need motorized access.
We have been visiting these areas all our lives and I hate to see them shut down to a group of individuals that don't care about anyone else but themselves.

I urge you to fully support opening these areas back up and keeping them open for responsible multi accesss public use.
Bart Jacobs


Wandering the desert

I urge you to continue your support for Motorized access on Utah's public lands. Motorized recreation is a very valid use of public lands, and when done responsibly has little to no damaging effect on the enviornment. While I agree that some areas are of wilderness quality, many do not fit the designation, and would better be classified as open to travel.

Curt Hall


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
not my best work....

I have just learned about the proposed management plans for 11 million acres of public land in Utah, and I want to commend your approach for multiple access and use.

Is an avid land user, it's important for me to continue to responsibly use the lands in a variety of ways. My family and I have been camping and exploring Utah's vast wilderness for decades and our most common means of travel is via 4x4.

With all the closures supported by anti-access groups it would be a shame that I could no longer share these lands with my family as (with any family) we have small children and aging grand parents that are physically limited in their ability to hike access lands yet still want to enjoy them just as they have for years.

I personally look forward to sharing with my children all of the places I used to explore and camp with my parents in Southern Utah and believe it would be a great tragedy to see these lands closed down so only a small minority can access them.

but now I'm on their stupid mailing list...


Sandy, Ut
What 11 million acres is this? The RMP's for 6/11 of Utah's BLM districts are in the decision process, not one of them opened up Wilderness or WSA's for oil or OHV use? I'm almost wondering if this is just a general anti-OHV message aimed at the BLM?

Anyone actually heard of this Bush proposal? Where/When??


Registered User
not my best work....

but now I'm on their stupid mailing list...

True, but now you have a bit of insider info as to what is going on from the other side... "better the enemy I know..."

As to the bill, I havent researched it much, it just came up in some Sierra Club spam as to how evil it was and how I should help send a message by using that link... :)