
I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Emery County is getting ready to move forward with their public lands bill and now is the time to make your voice heard. Meeting dates and places: Each meeting will be from 7 p.m-9 p.m. There will be a brief information statement at the beginning of the meeting and then the public can make comments. An updated version of the land use bill is available on the county website.

Written comments will be accepted at the meeting.
June 22 Huntington Elementary (location tentative).
June 23 Ferron Multi Purpose Building.
June 29 Green River-John Wesley Powell Museum.
June 30-Old Courthouse, Castle Dale.

I have been involved with the planning process as user and representative of USA-All. Initially I was catiously positive about the direction the bill was headed but have a couple of concerns right now. One of the concerns I have was a statement made last week to a Carbon County resident by a committe member from Emery County questioning why someone from outside Emery County should have a say in this bill. This bill has to do with federal land and we all have a say in it.......that includes the enviromental groups. It will go a long way for the public lands council to see people from outside the area at the meetings voicing their comments.


Active Member
Thanks for the heads up, I'm not sure I can make any of the meetings, but the website says that written comments will be accepted for 2 weeks?

Does the bill respect the San Rafael Swell Motorized Route Designations Map? Has any person or group gone through the maps road by road and verified if any of those roads would be lost?


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Does the bill respect the San Rafael Swell Motorized Route Designations Map? Has any person or group gone through the maps road by road and verified if any of those roads would be lost?

A proposed route map has not been produced yet. In all the meetings leading up to where we are at now, the talk has been about keeping all the routes in the SRTP as they are. However, this could change in what is the final draft that is sent to Washington......this is why everyone needs to take the time to come to a meeting or send written comments.

As far as roads go, Emery County has a very comprehensive inventory of all their roads that was done leading up to the 2008 RMP. I would not be concerned about knowledge of what is on the ground, but would be very concerned about what is being considered to be put into the bill.


Active Member
Thanks! Will comment accordingly.

Has Utah's Congressional delegation been involved at all? In addition to commenting directly to the county, is there any value in pressuring our US Reps/ Senators to step up and defend statewide interests in the plan?
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I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Thanks! Will comment accordingly.

Has Utah's Congressional delegation been involved at all? In addition to commenting directly to the county, is there any value in pressuring our US Reps/ Senators to step up and defend statewide interests in the plan?

USA-All has been in contact with all our delegation in regards to all the bills that several counties have been doing. The process will not involve DC until the counties take the plans to the state elected officials and after it is passed off there, it will be in the hands of the DC delegation.

In short, the DC delegation is aware of what is happening, but they will not be involved until it hits their desks.