Enable Utah to Reclaim Public Land


somewhat damaged
Quoted from Email:

March 9, 2010

Dear Campaign for Liberty Member,

The legislative session for this year will end this Thursday evening at midnight. We have one more vital task.

I will call it our one-two punch--two closely related House bills that await action in the Senate.

HB 143 (Eminent Domain Authority), sponsored by Rep. Chris Herrod, passed the House on February 25 by a vote of 57-13-5. This bill, which can be found at http://le.utah.gov/~2010/htmdoc/hbillhtm/hb0143.htm, authorizes the state of Utah to exercise eminent domain authority on property possessed by the federal government unless the property was acquired by the federal government with the consent of the Legislature in accordance with the United States Constitution, Article I Section 8 Clause 17.

HB 324 (Public Lands Litigation), sponsored by Rep. Ken Sumsion, passed the House on February 26 by a vote of 56-16-3. This bill, which can be found at http://le.utah.gov/~2010/htmdoc/hbillhtm/hb0324s01.htm, appropriates money from the Land Exchange Distribution Account to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account for legal services and just compensation for property taken; directs the attorney general to file certain eminent domain or quiet title actions on property possessed by the federal government; and authorizes the attorney general to file an action to enforce a section of the Utah Enabling Act.

Please contact your state senator and ask him or her to support these two bills.

As you may know, the federal government controls over two thirds of the land in the state of Utah! This puts the citizens of Utah at a huge disadvantage in our efforts to fund the education of our children. And it means that our taxes must be higher to compensate for the shortfall in revenues that would otherwise be available to Utah were this land productively employed. And it means fewer jobs for citizens of Utah.

If you want to see lower taxes, more jobs, and local control of lands that were never ceded to the federal government, please contact your state senator today and ask that s/he support HB 143 and HB 324, companion bills that will enable Utah to begin to reclaim our land.

Help us take back Utah!

In Liberty,

Lowell Nelson
Interim State Coordinator, Utah
Recruit, Equip, Train, Mobilize

PS: Precinct Caucuses will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, at 7:00 PM throughout the state. Mark it on your calendar. Find out where your caucus will be held. Plan to attend. Invite your family and friends to support you. Win a delegate seat. Help to retake the party and reclaim our Liberty. Create an account on the Campaign for Liberty web site if you don't have one yet.

Bad ass. I hope it all pulls through. Write & Call!!