ethanol fuel?


Well-Known Member
Is this stuff as bad for your machines as they say it is? I hear all these horror stories of it ruining motors. If it is true what options do I have?


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I can tell you that I have ran gasoline that had been sitting in old trucks for more than 5 years through my vehicles with no problem.

I had a truck with this ethanol fuel sit for less than a year, wouldn't start. Drained it and ran it 50/50 with fresh ethanol fuel and it did ok..

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
I noticed a power loss in my 2 strokes when running it, but I haven't really noticed on my 4T bikes. My Toyota (carb'ed) suffered the most I lost power and mileage big time with it.

Its true it goes bad much quicker so don't let it sit in the bottom of your carb for a long period of time it raises hell on pilot jets and other tiny parts :ugh:

I think Jardine still offers Ethanol free gas.