ever seen the effect fireworks has on pets?


Formerly WJ ZUK
I def could have done with a warning for that preview picture of the clip before opening this at work.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
Cliffs: A bunch of pictures of dog and cat injuries, some of which may or may not have been caused by fireworks. One caption says something about "youths attached firework to cat's collar", which clearly means fireworks should be banned. :rolleyes:

One where the dog was impaled on the fence--I guess that was fireworks' fault also? He wasn't just trying to get through the fence by jumping through the opening?

That whole video is retarded.


Formerly Maldito X
So a super biased video with a lot of irrelevance? Lol

One of my old dogs did go insane during firework season, I'm guessing his ears were sensitive to those sounds, I don't know. So we had to give him doggy sedating treats to keep him calmed. But my current dog just watches them with us. I thought that's what this video was gonna be about. Dogs howling at the moon.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
Cliffs: A bunch of pictures of dog and cat injuries, some of which may or may not have been caused by fireworks. One caption says something about "youths attached firework to cat's collar", which clearly means fireworks should be banned. :rolleyes:

One where the dog was impaled on the fence--I guess that was fireworks' fault also? He wasn't just trying to get through the fence by jumping through the opening?

That whole video is retarded.



Formerly black_ZJ
So a super biased video with a lot of irrelevance? Lol

Watch it for yourself when you get home and form your own opinion, not to mention there is plenty of research and personal experiences supporting it. Plus there is the common sense approach, if you had the sensitive hearing of a dog and felt like your eardrums would explode from the repeated loud noise from fireworks, you would do just about anything to get away from the noise. I know one of our dogs has gone through a screen trying to get away from the noise before.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Ever seen the effect lying liberals can have on people??
Half those pictures had nothing to do with fireworks. Th other half were most likely preventable accidents (assuming they actually were caused by fireworks)
This is a dumb people video, nothing to do with fireworks.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Watch it for yourself when you get home and form your own opinion, not to mention there is plenty of research and personal experiences supporting it. Plus there is the common sense approach, if you had the sensitive hearing of a dog and felt like your eardrums would explode from the repeated loud noise from fireworks, you would do just about anything to get away from the noise. I know one of our dogs has gone through a screen trying to get away from the noise before.

I had a worthless Bloodhound once.. While we LOVED her, and kept very good care of her she was scared of EVERYTHING. Wouldn't ride in a truck, ran from engine noises, fireworks, guns, or any other loud or sudden noise. As far as a good companion, hinting, or camping dog she was useless.
Knowing what kind of dog she was we kept her in on the 4th. Kept her tied while camping. Stopped hunting training. We let her be her. With any care or responsibility fireworks should not be a problem.

I'm sure that a video about guns and pets could give this one a run for it's money.


Well-Known Member
If your dog has issues with loud noises like mine does. You can give them childrens benadryl and crate them in the most quiet room you have. My dog is only ten pounds so a quarter of a tablespoon does the trick. To much will make them appear to be lifeless. My friend lost his yorkie on the fourth of july for about five hours he did not think that he could escape his fenced yard. He was very fortunate to get him back. My neighbor was not so lucky. Never got his dog back.


No Ogden
How we treat our animals is a reflection on our society. Those injuries may have all been caused be fireworks but, all those injuries were not by ethical use of fire works. A kid, when I was growing up, got his face and hands shredded by a neighborhood cat. The kids parents tried to sue the cat owner. Another neighbor came forward and had pictures of the kid trying to stick a large firecracker, possible M80, in the cats behind. The cat got loose and tore the kid up. Need less to say, nobody liked that kid anymore, and the family moved away.


Giver of bad advice
Dumb video, pushing a stupid agenda. At least you are still "free" to post such rubbish... Seriously. If you know your animal doesn't care for the noise, then make sure they stay inside and are comfortable. Or, don't do your own fireworks. My Shihtzu doesn't care, but we watch her regardless. My Mastiff didn't mind (put down in February due to bone cancer, RIP Cleo!), and my Akita didn't care (put down 4 years ago). We MIGHT be getting a Lab/Mastiff mix soon. And if so, we will watch him when fireworks season comes around. As caring pet owners that what we do.

Eric, that hideous video has little to do with caring owners. Banning fireworks? Thats un-American...

Roger USN, Retired.


Well-Known Member
I am throwing the bull$hit flag. One dog was reported missing 01-01-13. That has nothing to do with fireworks season. It is the owners fault for not caring for their pets. Think about it. If the pets were children it would be child abuse. I have a hound dog who hates thunder and lightening. We keep the hound in the house for that very reason. Irresponsable pet owners.



Formerly black_ZJ
I am throwing the bull$hit flag. One dog was reported missing 01-01-13. That has nothing to do with fireworks season. It is the owners fault for not caring for their pets. Think about it. If the pets were children it would be child abuse. I have a hound dog who hates thunder and lightening. We keep the hound in the house for that very reason. Irresponsable pet owners.


Hey guy, most cities have fireworks on 12-31 to celebrate the new year, and the day after is 01-01....yup.