Expedition Utah September Summit

What: Expedition Utah would like to invite you to join us for our September Summit! This month we have an exciting visitor coming to share with us his treasure hunting adventures from the Dominican Republic. Wilf Blum is the President of Deep Blue Marine, underwater exploration and recovery company based in Midvale, Utah. The company was formed in November 2005 and has focused its operations in the Dominican Republic since 2007.
When: September 5th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Whitmore Library Conference Room (2197 Fort Union Boulevard)[map]
Who: Anyone and everyone. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or someone just getting into exploring Utah's backcountry and varied historical sites we encourage you to come out.
What is Expedition Utah? Expedition Utah is a website and forum dedicated to vehicle assisted exploration of Utah's beautiful and varied backcountry. We strive to provide a free online repository of information to help people plan their next adventures and a forum to let them discuss it with others who share their passion. Our monthly Summits are designed to move that experience off the computer and into the real world by highlighting aspects of Utah's history by visiting museums, historic sites and joining other groups who share our passion in different ways.


Wandering the desert
This sounds so cool. I am going to try everything I can to be there. How often do you get to see cool sunken treasures, and hear from the guy who finds them!