fast food strike


By endurance we conquer
The day after president Obama called for a raise in the minimum wage fast food workers around the country are on strike. They are asking for a 15 dollar an hour minimum for food handlers in the industry.

This will solve all the money problems. just pay everyone more :rolleyes:
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for the record, at the time that minimum wage was created, the ratio of the minimum wage to the average cost of living, was what now would be like $17.00/hr. by today's standards.

I believe that is what they are basing their stance on.

I guess I sort of see their point, minimum wage back then was decidedly above the poverty line, minimum wage now puts any family employed at that level below the poverty line.

I still don't think they are going to get it


Well-Known Member
Okay then; how about fast food places require college degrees and drug tests?

I, for one, am about sick and tired everytime my order gets messed up!

I say this jokingly; as I worked in fast food for a year; and although I do not have my high school diploma and also I may or may not have often "partaked of the grass" but also I never b!tched about my wages either. I knew that I was paid for the difficulty of my job and how well I executed my tasks.
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I bet if confronted with that logic, they would then come back with:

"jobs back then, that required degrees, paid a wage, that at today's equivalency would be $30.00/hr."

it's a goat rodeo.

on paper their point sort of makes sense, but in the real world it is nowhere near feasible


Registered User
Arm Utah
$15 for a brand new starter position in fast food? Besides being stupid that would kill most other low paying jobs. I hear most of the people picketing are being paid by unions to help unionize fast food places.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
for the record, at the time that minimum wage was created, the ratio of the minimum wage to the average cost of living, was what now would be like $17.00/hr. by today's standards.

I believe that is what they are basing their stance on.

I guess I sort of see their point, minimum wage back then was decidedly above the poverty line, minimum wage now puts any family employed at that level below the poverty line.

I still don't think they are going to get it

I am not a statistical analyst, but It would be nice to have the 'cost of living' dissected a little.. Does the 'cost' of living include the 3 60" flat screens every one has to have, and the $250 internet/cable bill? Or is it based of off actual costs, like home prices, taxes, etc?

When the minimum wage was inacted (1938) People lived in very modest houses, grew a lot of their own food, didn't own a car for the most part (let alone multiples) People paid for priorities, and wants were only allowed if there was extra.
Today we live in large homes, spend our money on anything we see, and don't even understand 'modest'.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Quick google shows current minimum wage is $7.25. I don't know if I would be prepared to pay double the price for a happy meal. Or do they happen to believe that doubling of salary for everyone in the fast food industry has no effect on food prices? Are they also prepared for what will happen if the unemployment rate doubles? Doubling is great if it works in your favor... I don't think this will work in everyone's.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Problem solved, I don't eat fast food. Hope you guys can handle your increased prices


Totally Awesome
people are idiots. go to school. get a real job. flipping burgers is for high school kids.

sorry, I've worked my ass off to get where I am. I worked in the oil field while going to college to pay for my two kids and school. no one helped me, no one paid for my schooling. I stayed up most nights working on home work until one in the morning. i can't stand people who think the government is the answer to every problem.


Well-Known Member
since when do we have a separate minimum wage for a specific industry? Why does fast food deserve a higher minimum wage than a walmart worker?


somewhat damaged
Joke's on them. At that price they will be replaced by automation.

And not only that, the price for all the goods they rely on will sky rocket. People who support min-wage laws do not understand economics or free markets.
Turns out, you are free to look for a new job and you are also free to learn and develop skills which actually pay better.


By endurance we conquer
I don't blame it on Obama. The timing is just......

I have been to countries where they pay high wages to jobs like fast food. Iceland for instance. In fact a waitress made fun of me for being American because minimum wage was so low here. I made fun of her for having to pay 9 dollars for a dozen eggs. 4 dollars for a can of coke. High minimum wage does not increase quality of life. A better job does.


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
makes me really annoyed that I go past a McDonalds drive thru and see a line 15+ cars long day & night right by my house... all this as I'm driving to my local grocery store to get waaaay overpriced fruit and veggies to eat. Just boycott the fast food and let the overpriced junk take themselves out of business.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Shit, if there was robot workers at fast food, I might actually buy some to see that debacle


Registered User
Heck you don't even need to dabble into Micro Economics to understand the impact of raising minimum wage........nobody wins. Wage goes up, owners of said business past the costs to the consumer, price index goes up making the minimum wage effect about nill and effecting everyone else who has busted their butts to get where they are.

They want $15.00 an hour, which equates to $2,400 a month

View attachment 87050

This guy starts out at $1,516 a month
View attachment 87049

In fact a Sergeant makes only $2,415.00 and the majority of them have some college if not already a degree.

Hey the great thing is it's America; If you're not happy where minimum wage is get an education, get a technical skill, or change employers.


Well-Known Member
My Area manager came out to my office last month for a week, he took me out to a fast food joint and commented about how nice it was to see such young energetic employees helping us instead of the 40+ year old slugs that work at all the fast food places back home in California....


Sandy, Ut
Problem solved, I don't eat fast food. Hope you guys can handle your increased prices

Because that is the only place that currently pays minimum wage ;)

What about increased costs at:
Gas Stations
Bars (yes Kiel, bars pay lots of employees minimum wage, wanna double your beer prices?)
Grocery Stores
Janitorial staff

They are not going to raise the minimum wage just for fast food workers, if/when this passed... every other minimum industry would demand equal rights.