finally charges have been imposed!!!


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
I agree that it is too soft... but at least he is doing some jailtime + $10k in fines. I was worried he'd get off with even less...


somewhat damaged
Get off early for good behavior, overcrowding, etc, etc, He's going to be out before Christmas.

I never watch the news on cable but I caught it today between flipping channels after futurama ended and I needed something to distract me from my kids as they were burning down the living room. They mentioned that a federal prison stay is as advertised, 2 years, no early releases.

But back to my reason for not ever watching cable news, I don't know if that is accurate information.


Giver of bad advice
Better yet, he'll always have the federal conviction on his record. But, SUWA will probably hire him, they like crooks.


Active Member
Just for the record, TD's supporters wasted "at least" 2 gallons of fossil fuels the day of his sentencing.

A bunch of them held hands in a circle in the middle of the intersection at 400 S and Main St, effectively shutting down the entire TRAX public transportation system for at least an hour (sluggish I'm sure for an hour or more after that). I was on the first train that was stopped by the group (heading southbound at about 5:45 pm). After 15 minutes, UTA let us off the train. I exchanged some choice words with a few of the protestors (I'm glad there were no TV cameras close by, avoiding embarrassment to my family due to my impolite language). Then I walked to the 900 South Trax station and then on to the 1300 South Trax station hoping they would be turning trains around at that point rather then let them back up as they tried to head into town. Instead, they just stopped all train travel in all directions from the best I could tell. Eventually, I had my wife meet me at 1300 South and 700 East to give me a ride home as she would otherwise be late for an appointment.

It cost me 2 gallons of fuel to have my wife come pick me up. That is 2 gallons of fuel that need not have been pumped out of the ground, refined, nor burned into the atmosphere.

IF there were an average of 192 passengers on each train (the sitting capacity of the standing room only train I was on). And IF there are an average of 4 trains each hour in each direction (there were 4 directions of routes that were shut). And IF the trains were completely shut down for an entire hour. And if each passenger had to undertake similar steps as myself to overcome the situation. Then I calculate that the potential waste of fuels due to the actions of these "enviro" supporters could be as high as 6,000 gallons of fuel.

Plus, I wonder how many of them used fuel to drive their cars to their gathering.

I was glad to hear that nearly 2 dozen of them were arrested or cited. I hope that, at the very minimum, they each get a $300 fine for crossing the TRAX tracks outside of a crosswalk.
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jk farmtruck

New Member
I know most won't agree, but...I think we in the Jeepin community should be more on the side of the greenies on this. I would rather see trees than oil wells on the trail. Maybe grouping ourselves with oil companies and developers has made us out to be forest clearing waste spillers. I like Jeepin in nature not Baghdad. If we can see common ground with environmental groups maybe we can start the conversation about equal use. I'm just saying.

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somewhat damaged
I know most won't agree, but...I think we in the Jeepin community should be more on the side of the greenies on this. I would rather see trees than oil wells on the trail. Maybe grouping ourselves with oil companies and developers has made us out to be forest clearing waste spillers. I like Jeepin in nature not Baghdad. If we can see common ground with environmental groups maybe we can start the conversation about equal use. I'm just saying.

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It seems like most people try side with one extreme or the other. I'm a middle person I guess. I don't want everything closed up and I want to retain access to trails and areas. That's important to me. I also don't want gas/oil well companies plowing out my trails and making highways throughout the areas I used to enjoy because they were hard to get to (see 90% of surrounding Price,UT area). There used to be 100x more adventurous trails out here until that happened. But then again it's a huge support to the local and US economy. A lot of families supported because of the local business.

I also understand we currently need and support mineral use and access... and most of the time "wilderness drilling" is a dramatized overstatement.

I personally think that anybody who leans too far to either side is missing the big picture. It's also becoming more apparent that environmental organizations only care about their bottom line ($$$), just like gas/oil companies. Business as usual.