First apartment


Just doing my thing.
A young man, moved out from his parents home into an apartment, all his own, and went proudly to the mailbox in the hallway, to add his name.

While there, a stunning young lady came out of the apartment next to the mailboxes wearing a robe.

The boy smiled at her, and they started a conversation.
As they talked, she let her robe "fall" open, revealing that she was totally nude underneath. The young guy broke into a sweat and tried to maintain eye contact.

After a few moments, she started stroking his forearm, and purred, "let's go into my apartment, I hear someone coming".

They went into her room, she closed the door and allowed the robe to completely fall off.
Now nude, she asked him,"what is my best feature?"
Flustered and embarrassed, he squeaked, "it has to be your ears!!!"

Astounded and hurt, she said, My ears!!!! look at these breasts, they are a perfect 38, with no surgical enhancement, I work out everyday, and this ass is firm and tanned, my pubes are trimmed daily in such a fashion to accent my incredible "talent", and I have a 28" waist. Look at my skin, tanned without one blemish anywhere.
How can you think that my best feature is my ears?

He replied, "outside, when you said you heard someone coming....... THAT WAS ME!!!!!!!"