Fish Plating Frame


Registered User
I am building part of a frame, I have fishplated the insides, Should I fishplate both sides? Or is one enought? I want it to look nice and clean.


Vanilla Gorilla
you usually just plate the outside if it is cracked or deteriorating. I would just clean up the outside with a wire wheel and call it good. The problem with plating over the entire outside of the frame is that you create a void between the two pieces of metal where water can accumulate and cause corrosion. In this area, you could have accelerated failure of your frame.

But I am sure shawn will come on and completely disagree with me :rofl:


Registered User
Check this??

I was welding,, chillin, drinkin a brew, then I here some popping or cracking coming from the metal I just welded. crack through the weld I just laid down, along the seem??? anyone..


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Are you welding in stitches? An inch here, an inch there, so you distrubute the heat over the area more evenly. So you don't get one side hot, and mis-shaped, then weld the bottom in the wrong shape. When it cools the fish plate would be under stress. That is my idea, there may be other reasons.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
From your other post

koondawg said:
My trusty lincoln sp 125 plus......

What thinkness are you welding on? You may be pushing the limits of that 125 and not getting enough heat into your weld. What thickness is your steel you are welding? Do you have any photos so we can tell if you are getting hot enough?
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Registered User

i am welding 120 wall, no gas, set at G-3. I am pretty sure it is penetrating, but what do I know, I have blown throught several times.