Fj-60's on my Zuk. Worth My Time?


Don't Scuff My Dents!
Sandy, Utah
Found a fj-60 curiser parting out here in town has the axles complete. are they worth my time. Are they stronger than the normal 8"? and are they as good as the fj-80's?.will be on a samurai.
better than the mini toyota axles only in the thirds, shafts are the same, knuckles are the same...right?

not as good as the 80 stuff as far as strength in birfs and knuckles.

I think they are cool if its a good deal I would go with it.
FJ60 as wider than the mini, have stouter housings and 3rd members, as Panos pointed out the shafts and birfs are identical an even the pinion cross-section which is where many 3rds break.

Do you want the centered rear diff or off-set, that would be my deciding factor on a light rig like a Sami.
Thanks for your help everybody, Guy say's he has both rear styles hoping for the off set rear.

No such thing as an FJ60 with a centered diff unless its a custom built housing... so I would be a bit suspect there. That said custom centered diff Cruiser axle are out there, nothing too unheard of by any means and they are not difficult for an axle shop to build either.
Been there, done that..

Check out these pics.. I still have all the DWG and G-codes for cutting your own housing plates.. Made all by myself before others caught on years back..






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