food expiration dates


Registered User
Where do you draw the line? Do you toss it because of the date stamped on it, or do you give it the sniff test? AND still eat it?
I won't even give milk the sniff test. I give it the look at the date test and if it expires 2 days from now, it's too old. One too many bad milk experiences.
The dates on the packaging are the date that it must be sold by. If it is past tjat date the store must throw it out. It doesnt matter if it is good or not.
As far as milk goes i always sniff test it. Even if brand new from store. " one to many bad expiernces".
Couple days after the date on milk generally. But I did have a sip of 2 week past milk a month ago by accident
As a general rule we don't drink milk at my house so that isn't an issue.

As far as cans go if the can is still intact and not bulging I go for it. I really like to take all the labels off of the canned for and just make surprise dinner by picking a few and eating whatever is in them. My wife doesn't appreciate it so much though. :-(
All you people that eat food past the EXP date your realize you are going to be the first zombies in the apocalypse right?
And today's dinner is pumpkin pie filling and creamed corn!

Sometimes that happens :(. It isn't all bad though once at lunch I got a can of sour kraut and a can of cranberry sauce yum!:eek2:

All you people that eat food past the EXP date your realize you are going to be the first zombies in the apocalypse right?

As long as the labels on the brains are pulled off I am fine with it.
While I was asking this question last night, I was actually eating some Meadow Gold cottage cheese that has a "best by" date of 12/20/12 00:51 0808 #2.
I gave it the sniff test, followed by the taste test.......then I ate it. 25 hours later.......all is good. In fact, I'm eating more of it right now.