Since this kind of thing is needed in this country I really wish that fathers would take the time to teach their children to hook up to and back trailers. So many people these days need a vehicle that will park itself, back itself and do anything that might be slightly difficult itself. Technology is great but with vehicles like this we are losing our ability to do things ourselves as human beings. Hell I'm not even allowed to decide when I can use the lockers in my JK without bypassing the factory safety BS.
I understand that people that grow up in the city don't usually have the opportunity to learn how to drive with a trailer but if you can't figure that out you shouldn't even be on the road with a trailer IMO. Sure this is probably just me speaking because I learned to back a trailer when I was twelve and was backing a 46' low boy before I was 18. I just refuse to be so dependent on technology that I lose the ability to do a simple task such as backing a trailer myself. With my job I have to back trailers that have steering front wheels, now that is a difficult task to master, a non steering trailer is doable by the dumbest people in america.
Sorry incompetent people rant over.