Free Rocky Mountain ATV gift cards when someone joins USA-ALL or donates $30….


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We should all be very worried about this “lame duck” congress that starts in a couple weeks….there are a lot of democratic congressmen/women that just lost their jobs and have nothing to lose. SUWA is salivating at the thought of that, and has every intention of taking advantage of it. So we need to make sure USA-ALL has as much support (money) as they can get….so if you could forward this promotion around to any other message boards (besides RME), or blogs or websites you follow that would be awesome!

It’s a great deal…they get the gift card (which is almost as much as they donated), so they get their stuff from Rocky Mountain, get a tax deduction, and protect our right to access public land.


Well-Known Member
Dang I just donated 2 weeks ago and missed this......
I guess i will donate again.